Man Arrested In Butler County For Fake ID's

Last Update: 4/17 6:45 pm

Fake ID Bust The more you pay, the better the fake i-d's and social security cards you get. One man is accused of selling the documents right out of his truck.

Local 12's Rich Jaffe was with undercover deputies this afternoon as they moved in to shut down a man selling new identities to illegal immigrants.

The man who calls himself Alberto Ramirez showed up in the tiny parking lot shortly after three o'clock, driving a blue van. The undercover officer getting into the van struck a deal with Ramirez yesterday... a photograph and 150 dollars would buy him identity as a U.S. citizen.

Richard K. Jones, Butler County Sheriff: "They're so good, police can't even tell. We're sending a message, if you bring these i-d's to this county, and this is the 3rd or 4th case... And you haven't seen anything yet, we've got more cases going down, we're going to burn you up, you come here and make these id's, we're going to burn you up. It's just the beginning."

This is what Ramirez allegedly created for the 150 dollars, an Illinois drivers license and a fraudulent Social Security card.

"Investigators say Alberto Ramirez was actually offering two different levels of fake id's for one price, the lower price, you'd get one with an obviously false social security number, for the higher price you'd get one that probably belongs to someone else."

Ramirez came to Fairfield from Cincinnati to make this deal, and investigators say that's not unusual.

Todd Langmeyer, Butler County Investigations: "What we found here, recently, is the last three vendors have actually came from locations outside Butler County, one from Columbus, Landen and the Cincinnati area. This one's from Cincinnati."

"Why do you think that is? Sheriff Jones has taken a stance on immigration and I think a lot of people around here have realized this is not the place to be."

At this point, investigators say they're not even sure who Ramirez really is. He claims to be from Guatemala, and to also be here illegally. Business must be good though. His wallet was stuffed with 50 and 100 dollar bills...

Rich Jaffe, Local 12.

At this point, the man calling himself Ramirez is facing two counts of forgery. It's important to point out the businesses in the area where the arrest took place had nothing to do with the arrest itself. It was an arbitrary location chosen by Ramirez.