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McCain, Conservatives Clash On Immigration Once Again
By: Joe Murray , The Bulletin

After adjusting his immigration stance when his comprehensive immigration bill died last summer, John McCain, now with the Republican nomination in hand, has once again ruffled conservative feathers on the immigration issue by returning to the position that almost stopped his campaign dead in its tracks.

Mr. McCain joined California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last week in supporting a "comprehensive" immigration plan that would address the problem "in a humane and compassionate fashion."

"Sen. [Edward] Kennedy and I tried very hard to get immigration reform, a comprehensive plan, through the Congress of the United States," Mr. McCain stated. "We must make it a top agenda item."

In terms of immigration, John McCain is accustomed to being on the outside of his party looking in. Prior to his second run at the White House, Mr. McCain earned a reputation as a contrarian by bucking his party's position on border security in favor of comprehensive immigration reform plans that favoring instant legal status for illegal aliens.

"Our nation's immigration system is broken," Mr. McCain stated in 2006. "And without comprehensive immigration reform, our nation's security will remain vulnerable. That is why we must act."

But the Arizona senator's staunch defense of such a comprehensive package at the expense of border security almost cost him the Republican nomination when in June 2007 an immigration bill he championed alongside Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) failed in the Senate. The grassroots revolt was not lost on a McCain camp left practically bankrupt, financially and politically, by the issue.

"I understand why you would call it a, quote, shift," Mr. McCain told reporters in November 2007 as he prepared for the GOP primary battle. "I say it is a lesson learned about what the American people's priorities are. And their priority is to secure the borders."

The Arizona senator did not abandon his commitment to temporary guest worker programs or and addressing the 12 million illegal aliens already present in the country.

But Mr. McCain's decision to reintroduce comprehensive immigration reform to the presidential debate after securing the GOP nomination has raised concerns the Arizona senator his returning to his amnesty roots.

"Put very simply: John McCain is a liar," argued prominent conservative activist John Hawkins. While Mr. Hawkins was always skeptical of Mr. McCain, he opted to support the Arizona senator after it appeared he won the nomination on the grounds a Democrat would be much worse. But Mr. Hawkins decided to rescind his support, raising the question of whether others will follow suit.

"John McCain's consistently weak position on illegal immigration and support for a 'comprehensive reform' is going to backfire with his Republican base in November," stated Michael Erickson, chairman of Republicans for the National Interest. "There are indications of growing support among conservative voters for the [Libertarian] Bob Barr candidacy and even though we may not see eye to eye with Mr. Barr on every issue, his strong stance on immigration is going to be very popular."

Mr. Erickson further noted Mr. McCain is scheduled to address the annual La Raza convention in July, making him the first Republican to do so. La Raza is a controversial Hispanic rights group criticized for its separationist sentiments and open border advocacy.

Joe Murray can be reached at

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