McCain Warns Deportations Could Lead to Riots! A "There Will Be Blood"' Warning to Citizens?
Monday, 11 August 2008
By Oliver W. Hagley
My recent article titled, "There will be blood" was seen by some as a threat of violence.
Unbelievably wrong! No such threat was issued against any individuals or ethnic group.

The article was a caution flag waved to alert politicians and citizens of a potential danger should amnesty become law.

Further, as I stated at the very beginning of the article, I am not an advocate for violence or shedding of blood.
America is a great nation because we operate under the rule of law, and, as I said, I sincerely hope that America continues to settle domestic disputes in accordance with the law, rather than violence for another 232 years.

Should violence or civil war ensure, I shall not be part of any such action, nor will I promote the same in my writings.

On the other hand, John McCain, an unrepentant supporter of amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, made a specific threat to American citizens in the summer of 2007.

Specifically, John McCain rolled out his fear-based defense of amnesty on the campaign trail in Le Mars, Iowa.

Responding to a question about deportation of illegal aliens, McCain delivered the following threat:

"In case you hadn't noticed, the thousands of people who have been relegated to ghettos have risen up and burned cars in France,'' McCain said. ``They've got huge problems in France. They have tremendous problems. The police can't even go into certain areas in the suburbs of Paris. I don't want that in the suburbs of America.''

Globe Gazette:

With all due respect to the senator from Arizona, threatening American citizens that government cannot enforce the law because it would lead to rioting is blatant fear mongering at it's lowest and most contemptible.

It is also irresponsibly reckless because it conveys a very dangerous message, which is:

"America is governed by the rule of law, except when the threat of anarchy and violence is too great. In which case, congress and the president will simply change the law to legalize what had been illegal, thereby pacifying those guilty of behavior once considered unlawful."

John McCain needs to stop threatening American citizens with violence, and instead call for full and complete enforcement of all existing laws, including deportation of illegal aliens.

Oliver W. Hagley is a former nuclear material accountancy expert who lives in Elizabeth, Indiana.
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