Mexican Flag Hung Over U.S. Flag After Perpetrators Scale Huge Radio Tower
Outrage in Montana after oldest radio station in America received death threats from Reconquista supporters

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, November 30, 2007

There is a growing sense of outrage in Kalispell Montana after a Mexican flag was erected in front of a U.S. flag 200 feet up a huge tower that belongs to the oldest radio station in America - KGEZ.

Station owner John Stokes said that he was getting calls from angry supporters of the extremist La Reconquista movement, a separatist group that advocates the violent overthrow of the southern and western U.S. states, before also receiving death threats.

Two Mexican males entered the premises of KGEZ and demanded that another U.S. flag that was on a flagpole be taken down because it was "disrespectful". The flag was later stolen.

On Wednesday morning the station's ice covered 400 foot radio tower was scaled and the Mexican flag was hung in front of old glory.

The Kalispell Police blotter makes mention of the incident but it has received no attention in the media.

Similar incidents have increased over the past few years. Last month, a veteran from Reno, Nev. made headlines after he took matters into his own hands and tore down a Mexican flag that was being illegally flown above a U.S. flag at a local business.

According to federal law it is illegal to fly any flag above the U.S. flag, and if flying more than one they must be on separate poles and be of an equal size.

The latest incident will fuel tensions about U.S. immigration policy, especially in light of recent revelations concerning the explosion of illegal immigrants now living in America.

Photos to follow - watch this space. ... n_flag.htm