Bipartisan Border Patrol resolution shelved
Rohrabacher hopes Democrats on judiciary committee will consider bill if voters show enough encouragement.

By Chris Caesar
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As soon as a bipartisan resolution hit the floor of Congress last week calling for the pardon of two Border Patrol agents convicted of a shooting in 2005, the Democratic leadership bottled it up in committee, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said Monday

The bill, sponsored by William Delahunt (D-Mass.) with co-sponsorship from Silverstre Reyes (D-Texas) and Rohrabacher, was the first such bipartisan gesture since agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were served with 11 to 12 year prison sentences for shooting an accused smuggler in the back, Rohrabacher said.

“The significance of the resolution is that it is truly a bipartisan effort,â€