Date April 10, 2003

Immigration drawbacks

It is interesting to read articles in newspapers from other states regarding their problems with growth.

Seldom do the articles address the real source of this unmanageable growth: out-of-control immigration, both legal and illegal.

Utah residents, take a trip to southern California and view your future, a kind of a third-world population and economy.

More and more of your economy will be "off the books. " More and more of your population will not speak English. More and more of your population will not pay taxes but consume more government services.

Accompanying the flood of illegal aliens will be a drug trade, using Mexico as a conduit, that works night and day to corrupt politicians and addict your children to drugs.

Your corrupt politicians will begin to advocate for the illegal aliens and ignore the interests of the native born.

Your corrupt politicians will propose that illegal aliens be given special privileges, such as in-state tuition at your public colleges, and perhaps propose that the illegal aliens be allowed to use bogus ID cards issued by their home countries to obtain driver's licenses and, in general, be treated the same as citizens and legal immigrants.

Am I a prophet? No. I have merely observed what has happened in other states. Without quick preventative action, Utah is next.

Thomas Johnston

Littleton, Colo.

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