Mexico, 27 of January.- The PRI group in the Congress of the Union is promoting the creation of a special commission to establish a dialogue with its U.S. counterparts and with its presidential candidates to solidify the migratory theme and to avoid a greater radicalization against the migrant Mexicans and latin Americans.

On the eve in what the Democratic and Republican parties choose their candidates, Mexican legislators will seek to have an approach to promote that the migratory theme be a priority and go beyond the speeches and the campaign promises.

The coordinator of the working Party in Migratory Matter of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Edmundo RamĂ*rez MartĂ*nez, said that the focus of the migratory debate in the American campaigns "is traditionally not to recognize the labor and economic contribution of the migrants".

The group of the PRI proposed the creation of the Bicameral Commission to Support the Mexicans that Reside in the United States. "This instance, conformed by senators and representatives, would seek to do approaches to the candidates of the neighboring country", he mentioned.

It said that beyond the speeches "of good will for the migrants" from people such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain, the certain thing is that in recent months, states governed by democrats and republicans have approved nearly 250 laws against migrants.

RamĂ*rez MartĂ*nez said that the 12 million undocumented migrants continue being utilized as "sacrificial lambs" in the electoral campaigns and they are not recognized in any slogan regarding the economic contributions of the Mexicans and Latin Americans to that country.

"The migratory reform is filled with border security reasons, but nobody speaks of the economic or cultural contributions, nobody in the campaigns speaks of the more than 800 groups of hatred againts Mexicans that exist in that country", he questioned. (With information of Notimex/CFE)