Mexican Immigration Officials Stop And Beat Migrant Caravan, Videos Show

September 03, 20214:44 PM ET

Mexican immigration officials stopped and physically beat a migrant caravan on its way to the U.S., several videos posted to Twitter on Thursday show.

Officials from the Mexican National Guard, suited up in riot gear and carrying large plastic shields, joined others from the Mexican National Institute of Migration and attacked migrants traveling as part of a caravan reportedly headed for the U.S.,
video shows. Migrants were recorded running away and screaming as officials forced them into white National Institute of Migration vans.

A migrant man yelled at immigration officials while holding a young girl and keeling over another migrant who appeared to be lying unconscious on the street near one of the vans,
video shows. The girl in the man’s arms cried as he yelled, and video shows officials holding back another young boy from the group.

Animal Político
Sep 2, 2021

Elementos de la
@GN_MEXICO_ y del @INAMI_mx realizan operativos en Chiapas para detener a migrantes que buscan seguir su recorrido hacia Estados Unidos. Video: @albertopradilla.

Animal Político

En carreteras de Chiapas, se registran enfrentamientos entre migrantes centroamericanos y haitianos y agentes de la Guardia y de migración. Hay agresiones, empujones, pedradas y se reportan al menos 10 detenidos. : @albertopradilla.

12:26 PM · Sep 2, 2021

In another video, dozens of migrants scrambled to get away from Mexican National Guard troops hitting people with riot shields. Law enforcement officials also attacked a Mexican journalist and accused her of interfering with their work, El Universal Oaxaca reported.

Officials reportedly slapped the journalist and threw her camera, according to El Universal Oaxaca. The journalist said she was told Mexican officials were ordered to block reporters from documenting any mistreatment of migrants.

Enrique Acevedo

This is what U.S. immigration policy looks like south of the border. Mexican security forces brutally beating migrants trying to head north. They are the wall.

León Krauze

Una vergüenza histórica.Este NO es el trato que @lopezobrador_ prometió por años para los migrantes.Esto es indigno de México.

Video at link.

8:10 PM · Sep 2, 2021

The migrants reportedly threw rocks at Mexican law enforcement officials after they prevented the caravan from continuing north, according to Animal Politico. The caravan formed in Tapachula, Mexico, in protest of how long it was taking officials to process their immigration cases.

Mexican officials arrested migrant mothers with babies and minors traveling with the group, Animal Politico reported. After the caravan was dispersed, Mexican officials raided hotels and detained migrants in Escuintla, Mexico, about 1,100 miles away from Hidalgo, Texas.