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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2006

    Tancredo: Arizona Prop 202 is a Sham

    Dear Friend,

    A few weeks ago, Bay told you about how the open borders lobby in Arizona is pushing a ballot initiative called "Stop Illegal Hiring Act." This proposition does the exact opposite of what it claims and completely guts the state's employer sanction laws. They are hoping to trick patriotic voters into undermining Arizona's tough laws.

    Team America is working with immigration control activists in Arizona to expose this fraud. If you have friends or family in Arizona please warn them about Prop 202.

    I recently wrote an op-ed on the initiative, and I thought you may want to read it.

    I hope you like it.

    Your friend,

    Prop 202 Is A Sham

    The opponents of immigration enforcement have stooped to a new low in Arizona with their latest attempt to undermine the state's workplace verification laws. After exhausting their usual tactics, they are resorting to outright and intentional deception of the voters. This November, Arizonans will vote on Proposition 202; which will be described to them as such:

    "Stop Illegal Hiring" Act is an initiative designed to crack down on unethical businesses who hire illegal immigrants. This initiative targets employers who hire workers and pay under-the-table in cash, which fuels illegal immigration in Arizona. It revokes the business license of employers who knowingly or intentionally hire illegal immigrants. This initiative increases penalties for identity theft, as illegal immigrants often use stolen identities to conceal their undocumented status.

    If this were all I knew about Prop 202, I'd wholeheartedly support it; and the initiative backers are hoping that voters won't learn anything about the initiative beyond the title.

    Arizona does not need a new law against illegal hiring. It already has the toughest workplace enforcement law in the country. The Legal Arizona Workers Act ("LAWA"), which was enforced in the beginning 2008, is the first state law to require all employers to use the E-Verify worker identification system. E-Verify is a nearly fool proof electronic data-base system that makes sure an job applicant is here legally. Arizonans on both sides of the immigration issue agree that the law has had a huge impact in keeping employers from hiring illegal aliens and, in turn, causing the illegals to leave the state.

    The Stop Illegal Hiring Act effectively overturns Arizona' current employer sanction laws. It completely removes the E-Verify requirement that was central to the success of LAWA. It forbids Arizona from acting against employers until the federal government does so first, but it's the federal government's failure to act that makes the law necessary in the first place. On top of all this, it gives amnesty to employers of illegal aliens, and bans whistleblowers from alerting the authorities to illegal hiring.

    The importance of preserving laws such as LAWA cannot be underestimated. During my ten years in Congress I have fought in vain to get the federal government to take action against illegal immigration. States and localities, however, have had a great deal of success in cracking down on illegal immigration. From small towns like Hazelton, PA and Farmers Branch, TX to states like Georgia, Oklahoma, and my home state of Colorado; patriotic citizens and legislators have taken action when the government refuses to do its duty. As the illegal immigrants leave states that get tough, they bring pressure on neighboring states and the federal government to take action as well.

    Arizona has been in the vanguard of this movement. It passed Prop 200 in 2004, which took away many taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens; and then passed four other initiatives that got tough on illegal immigration in 2006 with well over 70% of the vote.

    Usually the pro-immigration groups try to overturn the will of the people in the courts. With both the Arizona and Greater Phoenix Chambers of Commerce as well as heavily funded left wing legal outfits like the ACLU and Mexican American Legal Defense Fund as plaintiffs, and government executives who are often just as eager to have the laws overturned charged with defending them; any state law against illegal immigration immediately faces an uphill legal battle.

    The business lobby tried this tactic with both Proposition 200 and then with LAWA, but after the most left wing Federal Appeals Court in the country upheld the law, their last resort is outright deception of the voter. With little fanfare, a business group called Wake Up Arizona -- who were one of the primary plaintiffs against the current employer sanction laws -- have managed to sneak the misleading initiative on the ballot.

    Recent polls show that when given the title of the act and the misleading description, voters would support Prop 202 by a margin of 2 to 1. However, when explained that it guts the enforcement mechanisms in LAWA, voters oppose Prop 202 by 5 to 1.

    If there was ever a case of a wolf in sheep's clothing, this is it. Even citizens who oppose LAWA should be outraged by how dishonest and undemocratic the tactics used by Wake Up Arizona.

    Unfortunately, Arizonans who want their laws against illegal hiring preserved do not have multimillion dollar legal groups to try to keep the proposition off the ballot. The only hope is to educate the voters before they go to the polling booths that if they want to stop illegal hiring, they need to vote no on Prop 202, the Stop Illegal Hiring Act.

    Received in email 10/24/08 from "Team America PAC"
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Dear Friend,

    I desperately need your help! Arizona's Prop 202 could pass--that's the Arizona proposition deceitfully entitled "Stop Illegal Hiring". But what it actually does is abolish E-verify for Arizona employers AND gives amnesty to employers! The Chamber of Commerce, La Raza and the rest of that crowd are spending some $600,000 on ads that would make even you believe it is what the title suggests-tough on illegal immigration.

    This is so despicable an act of treachery against the voter as to reach the level of criminal in my opinion. We simply can't let them trick the voter into abandoning the toughest immigration law in the land.

    Arizona's present immigration law is the gold standard of immigration laws. Last month a US Appeals court upheld it and what's more it works--illegals have been leaving Arizona in droves since it passed because they can't get a job anymore.

    So when the pro-amnesty forces realized they couldn't win by having the courts overthrow the will of the people they designed a plan to deceive the voters into gutting the law.

    We can't let them succeed-and since I have no where else to turn I must ask for your help once again. We simply must get the facts to the voters in Arizona-that this proposition is an abomination of lies and deceit.

    Will you please go directly to the Vote NO on Prop 202 website and make your contribution today. Here is the direct link. You can of course also contribute directly to Team America and write in the comment section for "Prop 202" and we'll send 100% of your funds immediately to our friends in Arizona.

    I want you to know that we are in close contact with the Vote No on Prop 202 Team and I can assure you all your funds will go to radio ads. I am working with them on the radio ad and the buy to be certain our money supports a campaign that is focused, tough and effective.

    I've been asking for your help so much recently-and thanks to your generosity Team America has spent nearly $80,000 on independent expenditures for our two targeted races--Lou Barletta's campaign in Pennsylvania and Wayne Parker's in Alabama. This is in addition to the tens of thousands of dollars we have given directly to candidates.

    Now we must focus on Arizona's battle. Please give what you can to help us hold the line in Arizona. I can not overemphasize its importance.

    Thank you so much for everything.
    Bay Buchanan

    From email received from Bay Buchanan at Team America PAC 10/24/08
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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