... for discussion.

It is all over the news today that the US launched missiles against Libya. One would wonder just what the motivation is.

Here is a post I made on the SL Tribune earlier:
""The French government forbids aiding illegal migrants and sets quotas for arrests of those who do as it tries to control growing clandestine immigration. This year's target: 5,000 arrests."
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29899231/ns ... ws-europe/

"By closing the camp and dispersing its population of clandestine aliens who were awaiting a chance to sneak across the Channel to Britain, the authorities aimed to provide clear proof of France's determination to battle illegal immigration."
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/ ... 71,00.html

"The French minister for European affairs, Laurent Wauquiez, said Wednesday that the influx of immigrants from Libya is a "real risk for Europe that must not be underestimated", as European Union officials discussed a UN appeal for help."
http://www.english.rfi.fr/africa/201103 ... mmigration

There is far, far more on this if you look. The funny part is that the two motivators for the Libyan action are Britain and France and both are mentioned above."

Could the motivation be control of illegal immigration by France and Britain. Why or why not.