The Mexican Invasion
Wilson C. Lucom
Monday, July 11, 2005
The United States is being invaded by Mexico, and President Bush is allowing it to happen. Mexico will one day take over the United States, through voting, if nothing is done to stop the invasion by Mexican illegals.

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Why is Bush allowing this disastrous event to happen to the United States? Is it is because of political campaign contributions by very wealthy growers, or their concealed representatives, giving money to the Bush campaign to the detriment of the other 175 million Americans?

Free trade is not free trade. Most countries – except the United States – usually protect their home industries, giving employment to their workers so they can pay taxes to operate their governments. When very few people work, the country becomes a poor country.

The illegals, many of whom do not work, are overloading the emergency rooms of hospitals and not paying. Many hospital emergency rooms are closing their doors, forcing doctors to go elsewhere. In addition, the illegals often work the minimum time required to receive unemployment benefits.

Primarily, it was the Irish, Italians, Germans, Poles and Lithuanians who made America great. They did not bring their Old Country habits with them, but adapted to the American way and taught themselves and their children English.

Instead of adopting American work habits and customs, however, the new immigrants insist on bringing their Mexican work habits and customs with them, and they insist on speaking Spanish instead of learning English.

This state of affairs can result in America producing less, which would greatly reduce America's superiority. Other countries are teaching their workers to build computers, machinery and other more complex equipment, for which the workers receive a pay much higher than the Mexican field workers but lower than most Americans.

Mexican President Vicente Fox should initiate a huge program to teach Mexicans to do more difficult work, for which they would receive higher pay, which could allow the United States to compete with the other countries presently charging lower prices for such equipment.

When Americans do not work, they do not pay taxes, so the government cannot operate in the black but has to go into deficit financing. President Bush does not want anyone to recognize that there is "no free lunch." Eventually the taxpayers, their children and grandchildren are going to have to pay for the billions of dollars Bush is spending on the Iraq war and giving away in foreign aid. Unfortunately, on balance, the Mexican illegals are not giving to America but taking away its resource, its money.

This cannot continue, but Congress is not solving the illegals invasion. This, together with the statement Secretary Rumsfeld made that the Iraq war could take 12 years, will bankrupt America and reduce it to a second-rate nation, allowing China to take over the present position of the United States as the world's leader.

Congress together with President Bush will have to take full responsibility for such an unsatisfactory, inadequate state of affairs. There is no free lunch. Someone has to pay. The question is who – your children or your grandchildren?

President Bush and Congress are avoiding the answer because they know that America is going deeper and deeper into debt.

Wilson C. Lucom was co-founder, with Reed Irvine, of Accuracy in Media (AIM) and, for over 25 years, its vice president and director. During the Roosevelt administration, Lucom served as an assistant to the Secretary of State in the State Department and Acting Chief of Mission, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.