El Paso County approves measure that opposes border wall (6:13 a.m.)
By Erica Molina Johnson / For the Sun-News
Article Launched: 05/06/2008 06:16:50 AM MDT

EL PASO —The county formally opposed the construction of a border wall in a resolution approved by Commissioners Court on Monday.

In a 3-1 vote, the court approved the resolution that calls for solutions to the illegal immigration problem including stopping the construction of the wall and recognizing that local law enforcement officials should not enforce federal immigration law.

"It's very important we tell the federal government we want a voice in policies that impact our daily lives," Commissioner Veronica Escobar said after the meeting. "If we allow federal or state policymakers to create policy that impacts us without expressing our own concerns, we are not doing our constituents justice."

She said no one is advocating open borders or no enforcement of immigration laws. She said they support enforcement of immigration laws by the designated authorities.

Commissioner Dan Haggerty voted against the resolution and County Judge Anthony Cobos was not present.

"I'm opposed to a border wall, but I believe we need to support the laws of this country," Haggerty said before the vote.

The vote came after a heated debate over the resolution, which was first presented in another form last week by advocates



of immigrant rights.
Commissioner Miguel Terán placed the item on the agenda and said Monday that the immigration problem is due in large part to racism against Mexicans on a national level.

"Nine-eleven (the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001) came in from the north, but we're not building walls over there. We're building them here," he said.

Eighteen people addressed the court in support of the resolution, including County Attorney José Rodr guez.

Rodr guez encouraged the court to be specific in its wishes, including directing the official opposition of legislation that harms immigrants, directing his office to review options available to the court, and investigating the ramifications of the construction of a border fence in this area.

"You're joining the ranks of many communities across the country that are saying we're not going to be part of this anti-immigrant movement," he said.

Two people spoke against the resolution.

"If it's not your job to enforce immigration laws, by God it's not your job to hinder the enforcement of immigration laws," Armando Cardoza said.

"If you support this resolution, all you do is kick America right in the crotch," he said.

Erica Molina Johnson reports for the El Paso Times, a member of the Texas-New Mexico Newspapers Partnership, and may be reached at emolina@elpasotimes.com; 546-6132.
