Lou Dobbs Tonight
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tonight, Lou Dobbs Tonight will air at its regular hour ahead
of the second presidential debate. We’ll have a full preview.
Our reporters will be talking about the key issues John McCain
and Barack Obama are—and are not-addressing.

We’ll have brief reports on the Federal Reserve’s latest
bailout; immigration policy and the latest drug violence on our
Southern border; the candidates’ constant dodging of key
questions on the economy; the outsourcing of American jobs; and
plans for a second economic stimulus package.

Plus, we’ll be joined by three of this country’s top political
analysts to provide insight on the issues and the campaign.

Lou’s nationally-syndicated talk radio show, The Lou Dobbs
Show, debuted this spring. Join us weekdays from 3-6 p.m.
Eastern for a look at news and politics aimed at independent
thinkers. Visit LouDobbsRadio.com to check your local listings
or listen live online.

Today, John Fund of the Wall Street Journal will offer his
thoughts on the latest campaign happenings and the role the
economy will play between now and Election Day. Author Bill
Gertz will discuss his book, “The Failure Factory: How
Unelected Bureaucrats, Liberal Democrats and Big Government
Republicans are Undermining America’s Security and Leading us
to War.â€