Overrun and Overwhelmed By Illegal Aliens
By Ron Ewart Monday, June 16, 2008

Most, if not all of the problems of America can be solved with fairly simple solutions, if it wasn’t for the fact that those problems were obfuscated and clouded by an agenda of a special interest, or a bunch of politicians looking to pander to some group for votes, money, or an easy path to re-election.

Never mind common sense or constitutional principles, or what a normal, reasonable and prudent person knows what is right. It is only government that can make things complicated, complex, ambiguous and essentially impossible to implement, much less understand. Only government can take a simple solution and convert it into 1,000 pages of double speak, political correctness and legal mumbo-gumbo, that would take a covey of outrageously high-paid lawyers to unravel, or find fertile grounds for never-ending lawsuits. Only government can manufacture a complex solution when there is already a simple solution available to us by just enforcing current laws.

Such is the case with illiterate, non-english speaking, illegal aliens that are pouring into this country by the millions, taking jobs, bringing in diseases America has eradicated years ago, over-burdening every social service offered by government and adversely “coloringâ€