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Miller's bitter beer face

By Dimitri Vassilaros
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Schlitz is "The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous." The Miller Brewing Co. is making Milwaukee infamous. London, too. That's where SABMiller, the second-largest brewery company in the world by volume, is based.
Should foreign companies such as SABMiller influence American public policy? Organizers of the nationwide boycott of Miller products, including Miller Genuine Draft, Miller Lite and Mickey's Malt Liquor, don't think so -- especially when a London-based international conglomerate is bankrolling organizations that demand amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens in this once-sovereign nation.

Boycotters, "This Bud's for You."

Miller has been handing out tens of thousands of pesos, um, dollars to militant organizations, such as the more than $30,000 for planning, materials and advertising for the Labor Day "Immigrant Workers Justice Walk" in Chicago, reports the Chicago Tribune.

Miller did not reply to the calls and e-mail from this column requesting comment.

"The money supported a recent convention on immigration issues in Chicago, which provided attendees with information on how to become legally naturalized citizens of the U.S.," said Miller spokesman Peter Marino in the Tribune story. Walk organizers said they wanted officials to pay attention to the contributions of undocumented immigrants and change laws so that all immigrants can be legalized.

Boycotters, Coors is "Brewed with Pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water."

More than 100 groups that believe that immigration laws should be enforced, including the ones prohibiting employers from hiring, aiding and abetting illegal aliens, are involved in the national boycott of Miller Brewing Co. and parent company SABMiller.

Since Miller Brewing Co. supports illegal immigration by giving money to groups supporting amnesty, marches and benefits for illegal aliens, Americans are encouraged to "Dump the beer! Dump the stock!" Please go online -- -- for more information and, of course, petitions.

Miller issued a statement that was as stunningly stupid as it was self-serving.

"Miller Brewing Company does not support illegal immigration or any other unlawful act. We do support a public policy discussion that will lead to a clear path to legal naturalization for people who meet the requirements for U.S. citizenship. We also oppose any legislation that would unfairly and unjustly seek to constrain immigration. (Emphasis added)

"We are part of an international company with employees from around the world. We support the free movement of people, labor, goods and services in the global economy with appropriate protections for the rights of individuals and families, the security of nations and the diversity that contributes to a rich and productive society.

"Miller is active in helping immigrants learn how to become legally naturalized citizens of the U.S., through programs like the Miller Lite Immigration Forum in Texas ... ."

In other words, the London-based company believes that defenseless borders are good for the beer business -- at least defenseless American borders. And the foreign-owned company is helping illegals become Americans. The new Miller company slogan should be "Nothing you always wanted in a beer. And less."

Boycotters, Iron City Beer says "Pump an Iron."

Dimitri Vassilaros is a Trib editorial page columnist. His column appears Sundays, Mondays and Fridays. Call him at 412-380-5637. E-mail him at