
By Jill Cohen Walker, J.D.

May 1, 2005

My quasi-adult son used to tell me that one person can’t make a difference. I’ve always believed just the opposite. One person can create change, start a movement, organize a group of like-minded others, or write something so meaningful, it can’t be ignored. One person can act for the good of humanity (or against it), especially where liberty and personal freedoms are involved. But it’s not enough to believe we’re free. We must be vigilant and resist any and all attempts to steal the liberties granted to us by God. (And if you don’t believe they’re from the God of the Bible, think about life without them and fight for them anyway.)

We’ve been pressured both globally and internally to give up our sovereignty to something terribly diabolical that seeks to imitate God’s truth . . . and illegal immigration is just one part of the plan to force us into that pseudo-spiritual society. Remember, one goal of the globalists, both elected and unelected, is to load us up with immigrants who don’t care about our history, our constitution, our laws, and who have no desire to become Americans. Once here, they will be wooed with all kinds of government goodies paid for by “we the people.�

Most one-worlders engage in what I call “citizenship devaluation.� While I consider myself a citizen of heaven just passing through, in the natural world I’m considered an American; and this American wants to preserve this nation. Are we up to the task at hand? We’d better be. Do we have a choice? No, we don’t. Real patriotism demands something extraordinary from each of us.

David Denny is one patriot who takes giant steps to protect America. A retired construction worker “living the simple life,� he’s now the Vice Chairman of the New Frontier Coalition, which seeks to pull several autonomous organizations together (while maintaining individual autonomy) to stop illegal immigration. Denny is also a member of the Minutemen. He spent about twelve days monitoring the border between Arizona and Mexico, and has been involved with illegal immigration issues for a long time. Most of his efforts were focused on Dalton, GA, haven of outlet shopping centers and an “underground tunnel� that allows illegal immigrants to enter the country unnoticed.

“Our government engineered their migration here and created a huge problem for this nation. Representative Nathan Deal [R-GA] brought them to Georgia from the university in Mexico City through the well-funded Georgia Project; and it’s profoundly affected the region. Today, the government schools in Dalton City are 93 to 94 percent ‘Hispanic.’ The locals used to go from Whitfield county schools to Dalton city schools because they were better. Now it’s the opposite. They’re racing to put their kids in the county schools.�

Ironically, Congressman Dean is a member of the Speaker's Immigration Task Force which passed the 1996 reform bill to strengthen America's immigration laws. (Perhaps the bill gives new meaning to the words “reform� and “strengthen,� especially when our sovereignty is at stake.) Denny said Dalton had the first immigration office within a police department and back door deals were always made. Everyone turned their heads, he said, because the powers that be were in the carpet industry. That’s where they worked and everyone was making money, hence no complaints.

Enter a new wrinkle in the plan. The textile industry was outsourced to Asia and that included carpet manufacturing. With jobs going overseas, the illegals are also suffering the effects of NAFTA. “The payback for their illegal entry is unemployment. Worse still, American citizens have paid over and over again to support the millions that have entered illegally. They know there’s a problem with health care and education costs for illegals and their children. Now, they realize that most of their paychecks go back to Mexico, not into the local, state, or even national economies. We’re paying more and we’re not getting that money back.�

This syndrome started with the welfare state, which still uses our money to play “God the Provider.� (How many alleged Christians attend church every Sunday and whoop it up with praises for God, while running to the government to provide for them? How many are paying “tithes� with your tax dollars?) Research also indicates that corporate America is aiding and abetting the influx of illegals. According to Denny, the Minutemen are now going after companies that hire them. “We have to bring that issue to the forefront so people know what they’re paying for and which employees are getting that pay, i.e., which carpet mill or chicken plant is hiring illegals. This isn’t about the Mexican people; it’s about the effects of unrestrained immigration socially and economically on America and Americans.�

While major groups of immigrants came to this nation during the late 1800s through the mid-1900s, those people groups assimilated and became productive citizens. They retained certain cultural and religious traditions, but most fully embraced their adopted country. This is no longer true of immigrants today. Americans find themselves being forced to blend with i.e., Mexicans who don’t want to assimilate into the American culture. They don’t have any drive to learn English, learn about this nation, and our government is aiding and abetting them by forcing us into bilingualism. Voting ballots are now printed in a multitude of languages as English is no longer our dominant language. (Visit your local mosque and listen to hate-filled diatribes in Arabic against this nation and ask yourself why our government allows this hatred to permeate our culture.)

According to Denny, “Mexican illegals and some legals are creating a nation within this nation, which forces us to protect ourselves from an invading army. They’re demanding that we learn Spanish, but they won’t learn English. This is our home, our country, and we’re being forced to learn their language and culture while they reject and seek to eliminate ours. We’re being looked at as the other citizens, and rather than national loyalty, we’re being asked to become international citizens. That just doesn’t work for me.�

Mexicans who came to America legally are most opposed to illegal immigration by Mexicans. They resent that others are circumventing the legal process; and it’s the process that turns immigrants into real citizens. Illegals also form their own communities because they can be sent back. But it’s the duplicity of our government from the top down that produces this nasty mix of political engineering for global purposesâ€â€