by (February 2nd, 2012 @ 10:43am)

A week after getting international attention for a photo with her finger pointed, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was at it again Wednesday night.

This time it was towards Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu.

The context and location were a little different than her encounter with President Barack Obama, too.

Brewer was south of Phoenix at Poston Butte High School for a Centennial ceremony. She presented the graduating class with a $5,000 check towards their graduation night.

The photo, seen to the left, of her pointing her finger at Babeu was no confrontation, according to Babeu.
"Governor Brewer visited Pinal County to celebrate our centennial and she was received like a rock star and the students simply loved her," he said. "Unlike President Obama, I have done my job, enforced all the laws and would never give guns to the Mexican drug cartels we're fighting.

Governor Brewer was not scolding me in this picture, she was telling me to keep up the fight and that we are winning."

Gov. Brewer photographed pointing finger at Sheriff Paul Babeu -