Congressman Baca Endorses Obama
Thursday, 19 June 2008

By Cheryl Brown

Democratic super-delegate Congressman Joe Baca, received a call from the presumptive democratic Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama on Friday to discuss Baca's possible endorsement.

"I gave my endorsement to Senator Obama after he called me ad asked for my support. Because of missed calls this was the first time we really talked," said Baca last Friday night in a Black Voice News exclusive.

Baca said he gave his endorsement so that the [Democratic] party can come together in unity. "We have to put differences aside and rally for what it means to the poor, disadvantage, working class, women and minorities," said Baca.

Baca said he told Obama he would help with the 42 million Hispanics in the country he represents as chair of the Hispanic Caucus.

Jose Medina, Riverside Community College Trustee and an Obama delegate from Riverside welcomed the endorsement and has already met with Baca to help map out a strategy to win in the Inland Empire. Medina said, "Baca's endorsement is very significant. Having Baca aboard will be helpful. He will be able to bring the Latino and White voters Obama needs to be successful. I think he will address the issues that are important to the Latino voter. Those issues are virtually the same as most voters today, the economy, education, the war and immigration reform."

Baca agrees, he said that jobs, economy, health, foreclosures, gas prices, and immigration are all issues Obama has answers for. "Domestically he will fight to put food on the table-bring the economy back," he said.

Baca said he told Obama he would support him but he wanted him to come to San Bernardino, Obama agreed and Baca threw his weight behind Obama.

Next Tuesday the Hispanic Caucus is scheduled to meet with Obama.