I was at the White House around 8:30PM a half hour before President Obama addressed Congress last night with a signboard that was composed with half NumbersUSA material. One third of the board was Fredo Arias-King's "The Other Side of Accion Directa". I also had the photo of the Mexican border wall that is copied in the ALIPAC masthead I had one photo of my cousin the former Mexican diplomat at an SRE event. I alluded to his saying he would as soon see more and better jobs for Mexicans in Mexico. I got into a brief conversation there with about six uniformed agents from the Secret Service which was friendly enough. I said that I was there on my own initiative in which acted on my own as a supporter of NumbersUSA and Arias-King.

I was frisked and had a warrant and criminal history check. I told them about how I felt there should be some emulation of non violent tactics used by the Amnesty and Anti War movements by the immigration enforcement lobby. The mainstream media outlets covered the first actions for those causes but with a few hundred arrests they have played the card past the usefulness, to them.

I was told that it would probably be much more convenient for both sides if I came back there again during the daytime as it would be quicker to go through the process and they would have more agents on duty. One officer said that there would be more civilian tourists I could talk with but did not get the objective which is getting more people who have not heard of the organization or of Arias-King Immigration Position papers to log onto those websites through hearing of the action through the mainstream press.

I do not think that it should become a replacement for the existing services like the ALIPAC forum or NumbersUSA legislative alert and fax but would be worth doing while it is novel for national coverage.

As I turned around in order to go to see Tom Tancredo speaking at American University President Barack Obama came out and took off by helicopter to address Congress.


[i]"Acción Directa as a Double-Edged Sword" by Fredo Arias-King

What awaits the United States when a critical mass of the American people realizes the immigration issue is little different than what happened in Pennsylvania with the pay-raise issue? What if they decide to organize?

These legislators are probably correct that, by acquiescing to mass immigration, they will eventually “crackâ€