More Than One Way To Fleece The U.S. Citizens
October 20th, 2007 by MorningStar

According to the Associated Press report of October 19, 2007, the latest faction of illegal aliens to strike pay dirt in the federal governments seemingly unending struggle to find alternative methods of granting amnesty without having to deal with the outraged citizenry of this nation are the illegal aliens who become the victims of violent crimes.

The federal government’s windfall amnesty giveaway was announced by Marilu Cabrera, spokeswoman for the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services on Friday that illegal aliens who are victims of a violent crime in the U.S. can now apply for special visas that will allow them to remain in the United States and apply for permanent residency. The congressional action which made this free for all possible is the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act which passed through the House and the senate in 2000 and was signed into law by former president Bill Clinton. This ridiculous example of legislative license supplies windfall amnesty for not only the victims of violent crimes but includes the victims of bigamists as well as those who have been divorced or widowed and it even extends the special visa/amnesty offer to illegal aliens who are not currently in the United States providing they were beaten up, taken in by a bigamist, divorced or widowed while in the U.S. at any time in the last two years. Furthermore, if the divorcee, victim of a bigamist or widow has remarried following the circumstances that initially qualified them they will still be able to file their petition for the special visa and their new spouse may qualify as part of the package. In addition, the requirement of having “Good Moral Characterâ€