By Frosty Wooldridge
October 4, 2010

How much sense does it make to pay for 570,000 military personnel on 700 bases in 120 countries around the world? Can anyone in the U.S. Congress or the president give a simple, rational and logical answer for such an absurd practice? Why do we keep 35,000 troops at our expense on the DMZ in South Korea for the past 50 years? Don’t they possess their own army?

How much does it cost U.S. taxpayers to fund THAT many men and women in uniform and for what purpose? Why do we defend everyone else’s borders when we don’t defend our own to thousands crossing illegally daily?

How much sense does it make to spend $12 billion a month to ‘nation build’ in Iraq and Afghanistan when they can’t organize a government to function on their own in the last nine friggin’ years? Why do we remain in those backward, Sharia Law-dominated countries where Islam stands against anything and everything republican or democratic or free speech or women’s rights? Those countries never presented a threat to us whatsoever. Al Qaeda trains in Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and really, in our own back yard! It’s beyond stupid our continued occupation of those countries.

The rationale of General David Patraeus and Obama for remaining in Iraq and Afghanistan makes about as much sense as sending a monkey in a space ship to the sun to see if water exists.


In Minneapolis, Minnesota today, our U.S. Congress forced thousands of bush people called Somalian immigrants into that area with full welfare compliments. When they work, they only qualify to drive cabs, but they won’t pick up any Americans with dogs, booze or grocery bags with a ham included. They demand prayer rooms at the airports on public property.

At some point, they will, via their dominate numbers, engage Sharia Law within the United States. That means our republican form of 1st Amendment rights, women’s rights and our whole way of Western thought drops down to the chopping block of a 6th century barbaric political/religious system. And folks, it’s coming.

When we keep importing 1.5 million third world immigrants, what do we expect? How will we ever recover from our accelerating polyglot society? I am convinced we have become a nation of victims and apathetic couch potatoes. And let me tell you, we are going to pay and pay BIG in the coming years. While we have struggled with the black/white divide for our entire history, just wait until we start battling the Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Whites—all working for control! We may be one of few and stupid countries in the world that displaced one dominate racial group for a bunch of squabbling ones. Ain’t that ducky?

And remember, out of the next 100 million people added to the USA within 25 years, 70 million with be third world immigrants and their kids. If you love our predicament today, your kids will learn to LOVE it even more within three decades—that’s if they can find food, water and a job to buy a tent!


Whose bright idea enacted the insourcing, offshoring and outsourcing of American jobs? After 1970, I watched it happen, and your Congressmen and Senators voted to do it to us, along with every president since Carter. They pulled the rug out from under us.

But what astounds me today: you let them do it. You voted Robert Byrd, Teddy Kennedy, Carl Levin, Charles Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Orrin Hatch, John McCain and all those elites that cut your financial throat—back into office time and time again. Arizona voters just voted John McCain back into the Senate with him spending $21 million to guarantee his spot. Why?

We’ve got 40.1 million Americans, (Source: Reuters), living on food stamps for God sakes! Latest reports show 15 million Americans out of work and 43.6 million Americans living in poverty. Yet, we’ll vote the same gang into office as before. “It’s all those other senators, not mine,â€