
A Nation That Should Know Better
By Roger Mahony, Cardinal Roger Mahony is the archbishop of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles.

It appears fashionable these days, and almost politically correct, to blame hard-working immigrants, especially those from Mexico and Central America, for the social and economic ills of our state and nation. Anti-immigrant fervor on TV and radio talk shows, citizens attempting to enforce immigration laws and the enactment of restrictive laws, such as the Real ID Act, are evidence of this trend. Some of our elected officials are joining the parade, going so far as to call for the closing of our southern border.

This growing hysteria is nothing new: Similar scapegoating has occurred at other troubled times in our nation's history, most prominently against Asian and European immigrants during the late 19th century and during the two world wars of the 20th century. By and large the United States has been able to resist the temptation to close its doors to the world, but not without unjust victimization of "foreigners."

Now we find ourselves in another period of national self-doubt. The war on terrorism has made national security a legitimate concern, and a rising deficit, changes brought on by globalization and even the price of oil have thrown the nation's economic health into question. But as Congress prepares to engage in a debate on immigration reform, we must again resist punishing immigrants for problems that are not of their creation.

Despite the assertions of some, immigrants â€â€