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March 30, 2008

With a chorus of more than three thousand people that yesterday marched along the streets of Los Angeles, the phrase of "Si se Puede" was heard strong and far, during the tenth commemoration of the birthday of Caesar Chávez, underlining that the bequest of the rural leader remains present.

"¡Social justice! Legalization! and Chicano power!", was heard from students, professors, activists, priests and workers that face deportation; all of them paraded with flags of Mexico and the United States, placards and ballons.

"Build schools, not prisons", read one of the banners in the walk of a mile long that was headed by Dolores Huerta, who once was a comrad of the dead leader.

Chicano power!"
Imagine if a group of white people chanted White Power! Anytime the word "Power" and a race is placed next to it, it is a Race Superiority chant. I can't believe the media is not reporting this!!