I was surprised to see this letter published in the Wall Street Journal, refuting the need for H-1B visas. Typically, the media does not publicize views opposing the cheap labor lobby.


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1205986 ... =googlenew

Want More Engineers? Provide Jobs for Them
March 20, 2008; Page A17

In his presentation to Congress last week, Bill Gates once again cited the need to improve the American educational system, to strengthen math, science and engineering curriculums, and to funnel more students into those disciplines ("Last Call? Gates Pushes Globalism in Remarks," Technology Journal, March 13).

However, the declining number of students enrolled in technical programs has nothing to do with the quality of our schools or the natural talents and interests of our students. It has everything to do with the massive loss of domestic technology jobs to outsourcing, offshoring and the importation of foreign technology workers through the H1-B visa program. It has everything to do with vanishing opportunities, declining compensation and decreasing job security.

Can bright, motivated students be blamed for shying away from fields with such bleak futures? Can parents, teachers and counselors be blamed for guiding young Americans into more promising careers? The bottom line is that when executives like Bill Gates complain that the U.S. isn't producing enough scientists and engineers, what they really mean is that the U.S. isn't producing enough scientists and engineers happy to work for $7 per hour.

Mark Kimelheim
Jamison, Pa.