Published Mon, Nov 02, 2009 03:36 PM
Modified Mon, Nov 02, 2009 03:37 PM
Proposed resolution against illegals in community colleges fails
Comments (11)
Kristin Collins

The Wake County commissioners joined the debate today over whether illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend the state’s community colleges.

At their meeting this afternoon, Commissioner Paul Coble proposed a resolution objecting to the State Board of Community Colleges’ September decision to allow illegal immigrants into degree programs.

Coble said the community college decision condones illegal immigration and misuses taxpayer resources. "It makes no sense to me that we would actually train and educate people who cannot take the jobs that they would be trained for," he said.

But Coble didn't have enough votes to pass the resolution, which would have been purely symbolic. The board deadlocked three-to-three along party lines and the resolution died.

Commissioners Joe Bryan and Tony Gurley voted with Coble.

Commissioners Lindy Brown, Stan Norwalk and Betty Lou Ward all strongly opposed the measure.

"I am embarrassed that this would come before the board," said Norwalk, who called the resolution an insult to Latinos.