Curt Casper
Jan 27, 2011

Nebraska estimates that more than 40,000 illegal immigrants live in the state. A Nebraska bill similar to Arizona's illegal immigration measure is getting national attention.

Thursday, hundreds of protestors rallied against the bill outside of the state capitol. News 5's Curt Casper was there. He tells us why passionate opinions make this such a hot topic this legislative session.

Let there be peace... or in this case unity. That was the theme of Thursday's rally at the state capitol.

"Let them know there are Nebraskans that care for them and want to welcome them as our neighbors," said Elizabeth Schroer of Omaha.

The Nebraska bill under fire would give law enforcement the right to request documentation of citizenship. No documents could mean deportation.

"Equality not policy."

Signs like this one reflect the feeling of protestors.

"Our goal today is to stop passage of LB 48," said Rev. Fritz Hudson.

UNL student Alexander Gebolisko said he thinks the bill is changing the way immigrants are being treated. And, he said for someone who roots for the same team as him, it's sad.

"Friends who come here, seeking the good life, who learn to follow football, become Husker fans, and even with broken English shout "Go Big Red" on Husker game days," said a student.

Speakers at Thursday's rally-share the same goal that immigration issues should be left up to the federal government and that this bill will cost Nebraska too much.

"It seems to me that some don't want minorities in Nebraska anymore," Dr. Larry Bradley said.

"We are all related, irregardless of what they say today, our children see that we are not so different from each other," said Frank La Mere.

"Policy and actions that would cause harm to many Nebraskans harm us all," said Darcy Tromanhauser, Nebraska Appleseed.

Signs and protestors at Thursday's rally can agree- Nebraska has an immigration problem and solutions are needed. But to these protestors, LB 48 isn't the final answer.

Senator Charlie Janssen who introduced LB 48 spoke with reporters before the rally. He says he wasn't going to attend because it was a "Pro-illegal immigration rally." He said he can't support that.

You can catch the full interview with Senator Janssen here: ... 69109.html