City uninsured over 1 million


Last Updated: 10:06 AM, January 7, 2010

More than 1 million New Yorkers lack health insurance and are relying on Big Apple hospitals and city-run health clinics to provide their medical care, according to new data.

The sheer number of the city's estimated uninsured -- 1.3 million -- exceeds the entire population of all but a handful of cities, US Census data show.

The number is double the population of San Diego, San Francisco, Dallas or Washington DC, three times larger than Atlanta, and four times more than Miami.

And estimates show that nearly 40 percent of the city's uninsured -- 500,000 -- are illegal immigrants.

Still, New York, at 16 percent, had the lowest rate of uninsured residents compared to other big cities, a new analysis by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research found.

About 970,000 Los Angeles residents are uninsured, or 29 percent. About four in 10 Miami and Dallas residents lack insurance.

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I could hardly believe a NYC MSM paper actually printed this story!

Of course I would say the number of Illegal Aliens here is much higher than 500,000 and that there are probably as many anchor babies! So as I read between the lines I'd guess that 75 to 80% of the uninsured in NYC are IAs and their anchor babies.