Tony Dolz

Sept 6, 2007


I lived in Sweden a large and important part of my life and received an education there and a Masters Degree in International Business in Norway. My wife was born in Denmark. I was born in Cuba. In Scandinavia labor unions are an important partner with government and society in ensuring a good quality of life for all. My experiences lead me to be pro-labor, because in one way or another we are all workers and our families and communities are made up of workers. I am also a businessman. My wife and I own several businesses and we employ workers. I am seeking the nomination for the California 30th Congressional District currently held by Congressman Henry Waxman. You can find me at

In this instance of the NAFTA-umbrella Mexican trucks getting a free passage to all points in America I am behind the Teamsters 100% and my reasons run deep. While it is true those Mexican trucks will put us at risk on the highways and contribute to congestion and pollution there is a lot more to this.

Trans-national capital interests and domestic cheap-labor profiteers exert a tremendous influence on many levels of our government. In some instances they form a quite comfortable partnership with some elected officials and bureaucrats with whom they share an elitist view that borders and protecting the interest of American workers and citizens (nationalism) is an anachronistic idea from centuries past. I am one of those out-of-fashion American patriots for whom the words and thoughts of the philosophical and political founders of this nation are as real to me as they were to them.

The Mexican truck deal under NAFTA is part of the advancement of the erasing of borders between Canada, Mexico and the United States for the moment; and erasing those of Central and South America in years to come. Cheaper communications and transportation has enabled trans-national capital interests to move goods and services as easily as capital has moved around the world for centuries. Capital has moved for centuries as if borders did not exist. Now it is possible to move goods, services and people with relative ease and at competitive cost. The main goal of capital is to maximize the interest of investors and owners. In the last decades we have seen our labor intensive manufacturing outsourced to cheap labor countries with fewer regulations (such as environmental, health and worker’s safety regulations). This results in lower more competitive global cost of production for trans-nationals. In many instances trans-national capital has made moving production from Western countries to totalitarian countries their first choice because tyrants can squash worker’s right to organize and suppress their dreams of a good quality of life. China has been and will continue to be a dreamland for trans-national investment (60% of available investment capital is now going to China). China is ruled by tyrants and the country has few costly and bothersome regulations to worry investors and owners as it is the case in Western countries where there is a humane and environmental conscience. Countries like China not only offer a respite from regulations but they also boast of a massive class of cheap-labor powerless workers.

Trans-national capital has already outsourced the bulk of all the production that was worth outsourcing and today there is less instances of outsourcing as the investment capital is going to China and other cheap labor countries directly. These developments have left behind in America mostly service jobs and certain kinds of jobs that are by nature locked to the land/culture, for example, truck driving, law practice, real estate and government jobs.

To fill the service jobs left behind in America, the domestic cheap labor profiteers align themselves with trans-national capital interests operating in America. Together they exert a corrupting influence on our elected representatives to ensure that the United States border (mainly with cheap-labor Mexico) is left intentionally wide open. Over 20 million illiterate, sickly, criminal types; and chronically poor cheap-labor foreign nationals have self-imported themselves ending up in the greedy entrails of unethical profiteers. The Elitists will tell us that this is a great thing because this lawlessness is good for the economic interests of the profiteers and they argue that this is good for American also. Similar economic arguments were used to justify slavery a 100+ years earlier. Elitists and profiteers tell us the invasion of cheap illiterate desperate labor cannot be so bad because we have “full-employmentâ€