A referendum would send a much stronger message.

Montgomery County sends message to feds on immigration
Tuesday - 4/26/2011, 3:55pm ET

ROCKVILLE, Md. - Leaders in Montgomery County are sending a message to the federal government on immigration enforcement in their community.

The County Council introduced a resolution Tuesday saying it does not want the federal Secure Communities program in their county.

Some county leaders believe the program would only makes things more dangerous for their community.

"Laws sometimes have unintended consequences," says Council President Valerie Ervin. She believes in this case it drives immigrants into hiding and leads to racial profiling.

The federal program got off the ground in 2008. It has been operating in Prince George's County for a while, with the intent to deport illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes.

Council member Nancy Navarro is also supporting the county's stand.

"It opens the door for victims to be afraid of coming forward," she says.

Leaders have brought up examples of what has happened in Prince George's County.

"It's sowing fear and mistrust in immigrant communities throughout our state and throughout the country," says Gustavo Andrade with Casa de Maryland.

The council will vote on the resolution the first week in May.
