
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Straight to the Point: "It's An Important Time To Act For The Sake Of The Country"
President Bush Discusses Bipartisan Border Security And Immigration Reform Bill At White House Briefing

"The immigration system needs reform. The status quo is unacceptable. …[W]e need to replace it with something that is acceptable, and have been working toward that end with both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate. … I view this as an historic opportunity for Congress to act, for Congress to replace a system that is not working with one that we believe will work a lot better. …[W]e do have to do more to protect our border. And that's why this bill has a lot of border security measures that will help continue the strategy that we have been implementing over the past year."

– President George W. Bush, 6/26/07

President Bush: "If you dislike the status quo on immigration, then you ought to be supporting a comprehensive approach to making sure the system works." "The Senate has worked very hard to craft a comprehensive bill. In a good piece of legislation like this, and a difficult piece of legislation like this, one side doesn't get everything they want. It's a careful compromise..." (President George W. Bush, Remarks At A Briefing On Comprehensive Immigration Reform, The White House, 6/26/07)

· "…[T]his bill has a lot of border security measures that will help continue the strategy that we have been implementing over the past year." "As a matter of fact, there's a $4.4 billion direct deposit on enforcement measures."

· "…[I]n order to enforce the border, there has to be a way for people to come to our country on a temporary basis to do work Americans aren't doing. Otherwise, they will continue to try to sneak in across the border." "There are people who live in our neighborhood and around the world who are desperate to provide food for their families, and recognize there are available jobs, and they will do anything to come to our country to work, because they want to fight off the poverty and starvation that has affected their loved ones."

· "…[T]his bill goes to the heart of our values." "We have proven that our nation is capable of assimilating people. And I'm confident that we can continue to be a nation that assimilates. … The country is better off. Our soul is constantly renewed. Our spirit is invigorated when people come here and realize the blessings of America."



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