Nebraskans Advisory Group, P O Box 12064, Omaha, Ne 68112-0064

If there is anyone who can help by sending an email or calling - we need all the help we can get. The PRO-illegal alien groups including SOMOS Republicans, church organizations, non-profit organizations and their busloads of illegal aliens will be at our Capitol Bldg. tomorrow to Oppose Sen Janssen's bill. CONTACT info and sample letter are below:

DEAR ACTIVISTS: It is IMPERATIVE that you send your email AND call the Education Committee members by NOON ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7th !! Ask them to ADVANCE Sen Janssen's LB 657 that will change and eliminate student residency provisions; to provide for applicability and intent; and to repeal the original section.

IF you are going to the PUBLIC HEARING it is in ROOM 1525 @ 1:30pm. Get there early to get a seat - we all know how the pro-illegal alien orgs and their people get there to fill up the seats! Testimony should be limited to 3 minutes. If you are attending but not going to testify, there is a sheet at the entrance of the room for you to sign your name and check mark the "For" box - MEANING YOU WANT THE COMMITTEE TO ADVANCE LB657 to the floor for a full debate and vote!

Phone numbers begin with 402-471 Adams 2756 Howard 2723 Avery 2633 Cornett 2615 Haar 2673 Sullivan 2631 Council 2612 Schilz 2616




Dear Education Committee Members:

Please ADVANCE LB 657 to the floor for a full debate and vote. Citizens have been opposing illegal immigration since 2006. Since 2007 we have been asking our legislators to OPPOSE ANY BENEFITS, SERVICES or ENTICEMENTS that would LURE MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO OUR STATE.

It is now 2011 and here we are AGAIN begging you to do the right thing by TAXPAYING citizens of this state and repeal in-state tuition for illegal aliens. It is, in essence:

1. amnesty/rewarding those who are in our country illegally and who have NO ALLEGIANCE to this country or its people.

2. aid, abets and encourages illegal aliens to break federal immigration laws that give an illegal alien (upon turning of age) one year to return to their home country or be punished with a 10 year waiting period to apply for citizenship.

3. gives preferential treatment of illegal aliens OVER AMERICAN children.

4. allows the state of Nebraska to be NOT in compliance with Federal Immigration Laws.

5. places the state of Nebraska at risk for law suits and damages.

6. economically irresponsible for our legislators to place American children in the position of spending MORE for an education and then having to compete with illegal aliens for jobs (while attending school)

7 economically irresponsible for our legislators to make Americans pay for an illegal aliens' college education who will NOT BE ALLOWED to be employed because of their illegal immigration status.

It is only fair to ADVANCE this bill to the floor. As a taxpaying citizen I have every right to know how every one of our legislators vote on this issue.

Thank you for your consideration, YOUR NAME and address