Communist Party Predicts Huge May Day Rallies Across America – Left Exploits Immigrants

Submitted by Trevor on April 28, 2011 – 10:48 pm EST3

John Wojcik

Communist Party USA labor journalist John Wojcik is predicting huge labor union/immigrant rallies across America on May 1.

The US left wants to legalize millions of illegal immigrants, because they know that the vast majority will vote Democrat. In these times of high unemployment, resentment among many unionized and unionized workers and the unemployed against illegal immigrants is high.

Therefore the left is deliberately trying to bring all these groups into an alliance behind Barack Obama and the Democrats and against the G.O.P.

From today’s Peoples World

Hundreds of thousands across the nation marching and rallying this May Day will be fusing two of the great struggles of the day – the fight for workers’ rights and the fight for immigrant rights.

The labor movement, rejecting the notion that immigrants are taking jobs away from the native-born, has jumped with both feet into the fight for immigrant rights.

“Workers’ rights and immigrant rights are connected,â€