TOPIC OF THE DAY Protecting borders
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 08/29/07

Politicians fail on immigration

It was interesting to note the Lakewood police could not handle the anti-illegal immigration rally Diane Reeves planned. ("Anti-alien protest in Lakewood called off," Aug. 16.)

I am sure if word got out the local illegal alien community was planning a rally, Lakewood would have called for cops from four counties and ordered portable bathrooms and water stands to be set up.

What Reeves has just learned the hard way is that New Jersey is officially a pro-illegal immigration state — from our U.S. senators to our governor to our state representatives, all of whom support the illegal immigration cause and will vote for amnesty for all illegal immigrants the first chance they get. I am not so sure most citizens feel the same way.

I suggest that instead of organizing a rally, we should vote for candidates who will change the pattern of de facto open immigration. Write your representatives and ask them if they support amnesty for illegal aliens.

If you do not get an answer, as I did not from Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., know with certainty they support amnesty. If you get an evasive answer, know you are being fed political happy gas, and the person supports amnesty.

Vote against anyone who will not declare in clear language they are against amnesty for illegal immigrants, and e-mail what you have learned to all your friends.

Sens. Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez, both D- N.J., have voted for amnesty. Lautenberg is up for re-election in November 2008. We're stuck with Menendez for a while. Corzine just created a panel to help illegal immigrants get every benefit from the system, and we are stuck with him for a while, too.

Politicians have raised taxes, raided Social Security funds, voted themselves raises and continue to do what lobbyists pay them to do. Do not surrender to them on the illegal immigration issue. If you do, plan to sign up for Spanish lessons at your first opportunity.

Edward Koper

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