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Sen. John McCain has labeled Americans as racist, selfish, and without compassion. President Bush has accused us of trying to "frighten people and scare voters" and called us xenophobes, nativists, and racists.

Hillary Clinton has called us "inferior" citizens, and Lindsey Graham has referred to us as "bigots," just because we support legal immigration and border control. We are none of these.

The voices of the American people matter not to 38 senators of both parties, several of whom are presidential candidates. All are kicking this empty can of immigration reform down the road, bound and determined to get a sorry bill through the goalposts.

We are but pawns to the "machine of politics," both Republican and Democrat in collusion. Just as we dissolved political bands with England, we must legally oust the current Senate cabal to resecure our unalienable rights and elect new leaders who derive their just powers from the consent of the governed and will listen to the people, take their oaths of office seriously, and demand enforcement of and adherence to the laws of the land.

We oppose the bill because it rewards with amnesty 12-20 million aliens who threaten our security, stomp on our sovereignty, and spit on our Constitution. They have flown the flag of an alien country above the American flag turned upside down.

We oppose the bill because it has few safeguards; and there is the lie that illegals, if given amnesty, will contribute billions to our economy, while omitting the fact they will cost us trillions.

We oppose the bill because it is a bad bill.

American citizens are faced every day with inefficiencies and mediocrity in Congress and government. God help us if we allow 12-20 million illegal immigrants, plus increased numbers of legal immigrants, to infiltrate and erode our already burdened infrastructure.

Steven R. Fischer Fredericksburg