Illegal Immigration
by Leroy FodorFebruary 25th, 2008

Illegal immigration is also referred to as unauthorized or undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration refers to the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destined country. It is an abomination on our country, a clear and simple theivery of our jobs and tax revenue and is a royal pain in my butt.

It kills me to see how many people are in this country illegally walking the streets, getting IDs and drivers licenses and worst of all taking well needed jobs. I don’t care if they are crappy low paying jobs and no one wants them. They are not their jobs to take. They do not have a right to work or live in this country PERIOD. Those jobs are not theirs to take in any way or fashion. Here is an Idea for those low paying crappy jobs why doesn’t the business owner dig in that deep pocket of his and pay more for a legal immigrant or American to want the job instead of hiring some illegal so he can save a buck in wages and few more bucks in insurance and taxes. The business owners that support these illegal immigrants are just as wrong as the immigrants themselves. Not only should the immigrants have to suffer drastic consequences but the business owners should be drastically fined to make up for the taxes they have evaded (also illegal) and their business license and option to get another business license should be stripped for life. Drastic times call for drastic measures. With laws like that it would be much more complicated for business owners to think about hiring illegal immigrants which would in turn make it harder for them to find jobs and with a decade of the enforcement of those rules would undoubtedly force them back to their own country. Making crappy wages in their homeland is way better than making no money at all in America.

Let me tell you why this upsets me so drastically. I have gone through this horrid visa process to get my wonderful wife here. It is horrible and they check everything about you. Anything you thought was expunged as a child is revealed to them, criminal background checks, federal background checks, paperwork after paperwork after paperwork. Stool samples, explanation of bowel movements, size, color and frequency are turned in. Financial records and medical records have to be submitted. Family and personal documentation has to be submitted. You have to prove you can financially take care of that person and they WILL NOT BE A BURDEN ON AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. That is the most important paper I filed. I 100 percent agreed with this paper. Illegal immigrants do not have to prove this at all so at any time they can easily become a burden on our government costing us thousands of tax dollars to take care of them. It took over a year for all the paperwork and visa approvals to get completed. And this venture cost us over 5000 dollars. Then at the port of entry my wife was rudely degraded, they called her names, they made fun of her and said she was a liar and put her through a devastating 4-hour interview that almost made her late for her flight out to get to me. The poor woman was crying clear until she got to my city and was in my arms. Why should we have to pay these outrageous fees and go through that horrible experience and have to wait over a year for the papers to be processed and others can just walk across the border. Walk a mile in the shoes of someone who has stuck it out paid the fees and dealt with the issues and you will to understand our views on illegal immigration.

Our governments most recent action to step forward and stop illegal immigration was the idiotic idea of raising the prices of all visas and permanent residency cards, and green cards. How stupid is that. Let’s think logically now, lets raise the prices of everything so the people who can barely afford the fees now just decide to screw the system for lack of money and do what their cousin did and jump the border. Lets make the people who want to get here legally suffer because of the actions of the millions of illegal immigrants already here. Instead of punishing the ones making the illegal acts they punish those trying to do the right thing.

These processes and visas are set up for specific reasons. Evading these procedures only hurts the people trying to get here legally and do the right thing. Those so-called crappy jobs paying low wages I read about are available no matter if you’re legal or illegal. So what would stop that same illegal immigrant from attempting to get that same exact job once he was legal. Maybe Americans don’t want those jobs SO WHAT! All we ask is that the people get legal documentation and taxes be paid correctly and they can have those jobs. It is hard and it does cost money but at least our government and American society is not getting ripped off. So for people who think it is ok for the illegal immigrants to take jobs just because they are not wanted by hard working Americans remember those same illegal people can easily apply for that exact job once they are fully documented and legal.

My views on Illegal immigration are plain and simple it needs to stop instantaneously. Without delay something needs done last year to end this illegal, impeding, thieving act of injustice. ... on-383.htm