O.J. Simpson and Lindsay Lohan Weigh in on TODAY's Amnesty Vote!


As the US Senate prepares to vote today on the 'Bad' Dream Act Amnesty amendment offered by Senator Durbin, which would grant 4 million illegal aliens Amnesty and in-state tuition for college, the Main Stream Media (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC) are focused on more important matters dealing with O.J. Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, and Brittany Spears.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) has contacted O.J. Simpson and Lindsay Lohan to get their perspective on this important vote today.

"We are going to start contacting celebrities about the important issues that can completely alter American politics and the fabric of this nation," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Perhaps that way, we can get the media to actually warn people when the Senate is going to vote on a massive Amnesty that a majority of Americans oppose."

When contacted in jail about today's Senate Amnesty vote, O.J. Simpson had not heard about it but offered these comments.

Most of the US Senate is White. That is why they can get away with murder, as a matter of speaking, while I take all the heat. What happened in that hotel room is much more important news than a Senate Amnesty vote because I'm O.J. Simpson!

Lindsay Lohan had a different perspective on the approaching Senate Amnesty vote.

The gangs bringing in most of the illegal aliens and cocaine are going to be happy about this because it will increase demand for their services. I'm going to support Dream Act Amnesty because if I don't my coke dealer will hang me out to dry. I'm also considering a run for US Senate, said Lohan.

Brittany Spears, the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, and the parents of Madeleine McCann could not be reached for comment about today's historic vote.

While most of America remain oblivious due to lack of coverage by the MSM, Internet organizations and talk radio show hosts are rushing to warn the American public that the Senate will begin debating the National Defense Authorization Act HR 1585 at 9:30am EST TODAY! Senator Durbin's Amendment (SA 2237) will likely be voted on today.

Will four million illegal aliens receive Amnesty today, while the Main Stream Media stays focused on useless celebrity gossip that has little to do with the health and wealth of America?

This press release is a parody intended to bring attention to how the corporate media in America is distracting the public with garbage while ignoring important news about illegal immigration that is vital to the health of the nation.

http://newsblaze.com/story/200709191235 ... ories.html