By Frosty Wooldridge
March 19, 2009

Every 30 days, Congress injects 138,000 legal immigrants into the United States, month in and month out, year in and year out. They seek jobs, food, housing and services. They form a continual river of demands on the American taxpayer. They crowd into our cities, towns, hospitals and schools.

At this time, 15 million Americans stand in unemployment lines. Over 4.4 million Americans lost their jobs in the last five months. A whopping 31.1 million Americans feed themselves with government handouts in the form of ‘food stamps’—because they cannot find jobs.

Yet, the immigration flood into the United States continues without pause.

Today, you never know what your Congress may slip past you in its skull-drudgery, mendacity and outright fraud against the America people. That 535 member body fails on every aspect of the immigration debate to advance American citizens’ best interests. This U.S. Congress, bought and paid for by corporate America, translates everything that favors massive, unending immigration into the USA.

In a brilliant expose’, Washington DC writer, Donald A. Collins illustrated how our government undermines Americans at every juncture.

“You know how much our government cares about us citizens in its rush to print nearly a trillion in new debt?â€