[Poster note - received this alert via email earlier this evening.

Note also that the date - Feb 4th - is the date that the current policy of granting DLs to IAs is set to end by the Governor's executive order directive. A later changing of applicable laws by the legislature will enshrine the policy shift into official policy]

OFIR members and supporters:

Important new information regarding Monday at the State Capitol.

As most of you are aware we have arranged with the State Capitol Services to reserve the steps of the State Capitol for next Monday, February, 4, to publicize our initiative petition the Respect for Law Act. We will set up our table and signs about 9:00 Monday on the front steps of the Capitol building.

When an organization reserves the Capitol steps it means that under the rules of the building no other group is allowed to use the front steps for another rally or protest. We secured approval more than a month ago. However illegal aliens and their allies do not believe that they have to abide by any law or rule. As you can read at the end of this message, the illegal aliens are going to hold a rally in front of the Capitol steps on Monday in spite of the rules.

We refuse to be intimidated by the mobs and we will set up our tent and table Monday. We encourage all of you who can, to come Monday. If you can, try to be there around 11:30. The State Capitol police force has been notified and have promised a strong presence.

The weather likely will be wet and cold so come with rain gear. We will have a tent set up to one side.

Obviously many of you will be working and as a result unable to attend. You should have a warm glow inside knowing that your tax dollars are going to support the food stamps, housing, education and medical care of the thousands of illegal aliens who seem to always be able to have the day off to go to the Capitol to protest against the cruelties of living in America.

If you can attend Monday we encourage you to bring your cameras. If you have not been at the Capitol during an illegal alien rally it will open your eyes to the future of politics in America unless we stop illegal immigration. Intimidation and mob rule is their way of doing business.