In California Primary, Undocumented Under Attack

La Opinión, Posted: Mar 07, 2010

LOS ANGELES--An editorial in La Opinión argues that California's June gubernatorial primary has become "a motive to attack the undocumented." Republican contender Steve Poizner, editors write, is "openly using anti-immigrant sentiment against the undocumented," a tactic that was used by former Republican Gov. Pete Wilson. "We emphatically condemn the electoral exploitation of resentment toward the undocumented," editors write.

Beyond immigration politics, the editorial argues that the contenders in the primary reflect the sad state of California politics: On the Republican side, the main candidates are two multi-millionaires (former eBay CEO Meg Whitman and businessman Steve Poizner) using their personal fortunes to gain access to the governor’s mansion. On the Democratic side, current Attorney General Jerry Brown has no major rival, depriving voters of party debate on how to solve the state’s problems.