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Sunday, March 26, 2006 2:48 p.m. EST

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: Tancredo a 'White Supremacist'

Nation magazine publisher Katrina Vanden Heuvel said Sunday that illegal immigration foe, Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., is animated by a "white supremacist" philosophy - and insisted that illegals are "the backbone of this country."

Following the Colorado Republican on ABC's "This Week," Vanden Heuvel told host George Stephanopoulos:

"Tancredo, on your show today - he looked pleasant. But I will say that what's happened in our country is that some of the white supremacist thinking that used to be represented by David Duke has been absorbed by people like Tancredo."

Vanden Heuvel called the House immigration reform bill backed by Tancredo "very dangerous," "draconian" and "un-American," before praising the illegal population:

"Undocumented immigrants are the backbone of this economy," she told "This Week." "They do the suburban lawns in this country. They take care of the kids. The economy in this country would be in real trouble [without illegal immigrants.]"

Vanden Heuvel predicted that "2006 will be the year of immigrants rising" before adding, "the demonization of immigrants is going to lead to ripping apart the Republican Party."

Contrary to Vanden Heuvel's claim, poll after poll on illegal immigration shows that more than two-thirds of Americans favor tougher border enforcement.

Can you believe this airhead? 30 million out of 300 million is 'the backbone' of our economy?
Without grass-cutting and babysitting we're 'in real trouble'?