Ladies and Gentlemen of the Far Left, including all major mainstream media outlets

Restoring Honor to the Word CHANGE on November 2!

By John Lillpop
Monday, October 18, 2010

Baring a calamitous event, or series of such events, unforeseeable at the moment, 14 days hence the American people will head to the polls and teach our simplistic and naive president, and his Democrat party colleagues, an urgently needed lesson about the word CHANGE, what it means, and what it does not mean, to patriotic Americans.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Far Left, including all major mainstream media outlets, let it be known far and wide that CHANGE such as that which follows is rejected, in total, by the American people:

* Replacing good old-fashioned Yankee capitalism with half-baked European socialism, which has failed everywhere it has been tried;
* Slamming American policies and leaders while on foreign soil;
* Apologizing for American preeminence and exceptionalism;
* Proclaiming that America is not a Christian nation when, in fact, 270 million Americans are Christian;
* Refusing to admit that extreme Islam is THE major source of terrorism throughout America and the world;
* Pandering to terrorists with Miranda rights, civilian trials, closure of GITMO, etc., all undertaken with the idiotic and naive assumption that such acts of grace will cause barbaric heathens from the 7Th century to be more civil and less murderous;
* Refusing to act on serious complaints of discrimination and voter intimidation when plaintiffs are white Americans;
* Blaming all problems, past, present, and future on former President George W. Bush, rather than accepting responsibility for repeated failures by the Obama administration and the Democrat congress;
* Using American troops in Afghanistan as pawns in the political chess game leading up to the 2012 election, rather than striving to achieve outright military victory;
* Pursuing wild, reckless spending and higher taxes as the formula for dealing with an economy in recession, despite the fact that that government intervention approach has been shown to exacerbate, rather than heal, an hemorrhaging economy;
* Suing a sovereign American state and siding with a foreign nation against that state for protecting American citizens from foreign invaders;
* During a joint session of the U.S. Congress, providing a standing ovation to a foreign leader following that leader’s assault on a sovereign American state for protecting its citizens from foreign invaders;
* Reporting a sovereign state of America to the United Nations for trumped up allegations of human rights abuses, and

* Using bribery, lies, and sleight of hand to pass a Marxist health care scheme opposed by most Americans.

May these examples of wrong-minded CHANGE be expunged from the body politic and never again be allowed to haunt the American people!

Amen and amen!