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July 02, 2006

Amnesty Amnesia and Animosity
Chuck Busch

Throughout the U.S. Senate debate on immigration reform there has been considerable disagreement over what the term amnesty entails. Obviously, amnesty means different things to different people, especially to a room full of lawyers. But actually, the literal definition is quite simple and can easily be applied to the illegal alien situation. Amnesty is a “general pardon” extended to a class of people exempting them from punitive measures for illegal activity. It is undeniable then that any plan that allows people who have entered the United States illegally to stay constitutes an amnesty of some degree.

This is not to say that some sort of arrangement or “plea bargain” could not be made to address the present reality of 12 to 20 million who make up a significant portion of our society and economy. The mass protest rallies this spring where the “defendants” demanded their “rights” however did not help their case. Proponents of such a plan say there is no amnesty because the offenders would be “punished” by having to pay a fine and back taxes.

However, if this argument were to hold true, then a vagrant who breaks into a private residence should have the right to remain part of the household if he agrees to pay rent. Wanting to come into the US is not a crime, but illegal entry is. If a thief breaks into an appliance store to steal a television set, is he to be rewarded with the TV for doing jail time? There is no compulsion for our government to provide a “pathway to citizenship” which most certainly would be a road to destruction for the total society. The Senate is seeking a lighter sentence for the illegals and for themselves for disregarding immigration law. If the crime is stealing across the border, then ideally the “penalty” should be detention and deportation, not US citizenship at a discounted price.

It is Amnesty – period.
The American people are not fooled by semantics and neither are certain influential House members. Representative Peter King (R-NY) said, “The bottom line, no matter how you characterize it, is that this is amnesty.” Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, James Sensenbrenner (R-WISC) agrees, “What’s going on now, in calling it a pathway to citizenship or earned legalization, is not honest because it is amnesty.” Rep. Tom Tancredo says, “Comprehensive legislation is a code word for amnesty. Amnesty for illegals is a slap in the face for those who came in legally.”

One individual who should really know because he was Attorney General for the Reagan Administration is Edwin Meese who said that the current bill has many “uncanny similarities” to 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. According to the Black Law Dictionary this very act is cited as having “provided amnesty for undocumented aliens already in the country.”

Perhaps the best evidence that this is an amnesty bill was provided by a statement from the National Council of La Raza, “One of the most basic principles of real comprehensive immigration reform is reasonable solutions that will bring undocumented immigrants out the shadows and into the sunlight so that they will be able to work and live free from constant fear of deportation.”

1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act Revisited
The Senate seems to have succumbed to amnesty amnesia and has forgotten the averse consequences of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act which was promoted by the Democrat majority in the House. At least back then, President Reagan had the honesty to call it what it was, an amnesty bill. This new bill is very similar to the earlier one and is guaranteed to produce the same miserable results only on a grander scale with greater impact on the national culture.

Amnesty was extended to the alien who could establish that he had been in the United States continuously for five years. Citizenship was not automatic and immigrants had to pay application fees, learn English, study American civics, pass a medical exam and register for military selective service. After 18 months, this was upgraded to permanent residency and after five years to citizenship. Applicants with a felony conviction or three misdemeanors were denied.

Also, the bill was to enforce border security and immigration laws and penalize those who hired undocumented workers. Crossing America’s border was made into a misdemeanor for which there was no penalty assigned. When the legislature was written it was thought that only about 1 million people, a relatively small population, would be affected.

Edwin Meese who was Attorney General at the time, stated the following conclusions, “It did not solve our illegal immigration problem. From the start there was widespread document fraud by applicants, the number of people applying for amnesty far exceeded projections. And there was a failure of political will in enforcing new laws against employers. Ultimately, some 2.7 million people were granted amnesty, and many who were not stayed anyway, forming the nucleus of today’s unauthorized population. So here we are, 20 years later, having much the same debate and being offered much the same deal in exchange for promises largely dependent on the will of future Congresses and presidents.”

Rep. J.D. Hayworth observed, “If we allow a guest-worker program to pass, it will be 1986 all over again-amnesty first, enforcement never, and an unending wave of illegal immigration.”

“Amnesty is granting citizenship to an illegal immigrant that is currently in the country. It is very important if there is to be a compromise reached that the Senate back off amnesty. The way they have set it up is that it is an invitation to the same type of wholesale document fraud that occurred in Simpson-Mazzoli…It also has U.S. citizenship for sale for $3,250—which is the fine that the illegal immigrants would have to pay. And U.S. citizenship should never be for sale.” Rep. James Sensenbrenner

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results, yet that is exactly what the Senate and the President have decided what we must do.

Preserving the Status Quo
The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611), which closely follows what President Bush’s immigration reform speech outlined is massive and replete with endless provisions for the newly formed oppressed class in our society. The Senate and the president must be living in a different country if they think the public will accept this. The needs of foreign nationals trump US citizen’s interests. The Senate bill is all about incentives and very few deterrents. And of course, all specified protections are worthless, if there is not the political will to enforce them. Any regulation is meaningless if compliance depends completely on the willing cooperation of the illegal alien.

The government has no credibility on this issue. Law officials have chosen to ignore immigration employment laws for the last 20 years. Why should the people believe the commitment would be there to do so now and forever? “Virtual” promises won’t do it any more than a “virtual” fence will physically restrain border jumpers.

This bill does not militarize the border or call for a mass registry of all illegal aliens in the country or address the myriad of complications associated with millions of unfiltered foreign nationals that have flooded into our country, not the least of which is violent crime perpetrated against US citizens. It accomplishes only one goal and that is to preserve the status quo of an unofficial unconstitutional unpopular illegitimate open borders policy. Furthermore it adds insult to injury by offering amnesty or clemency to millions of individuals for a whole assortment of violations. And in an even greater abdominal act, this bill offers the high prize of US citizenship to those who neither deserve it nor sincerely desire it.

This legislation does not resolve the issue of “undocumented workers.” It perpetuates it. Granting legal status to foreign workers strengthens their bargaining power. After these new citizens gain the same wages and benefits as other US workers, it will be necessary for unscrupulous employers to smuggle in desperate peoples from other depressed countries in order to maintain their lucrative underground economy. When these newcomers gain legal status as well, they will ascend economically or be priced out of work by the next batch of low wageworkers. The supply of poor exploitable people throughout the world is inexhaustible. It's time to break this cycle of outlaw subclass servitude.

Animosity toward Voters

The Senate, however, was not satisfied to just work out an amiable plan in keeping with current immigration laws and our national interests, but was bound and determined to forced their extremist social engineering on the American public. The passage of this bill is not just a bewildering misreading of public opinion, it is an expression of complete contempt and outright animosity toward the people’s will by Washington elitists. They have deliberately ignored the protests of their constituents and the polls showing 80 to 90 percent demanding border security and stricter enforcement of immigration laws.

Anyone who dares to question any aspect of the bill is vehemently condemned as a xenophobic, racist bigot. Senator John McCain accused conservative talk radio of “spoiling” the debate by being critical of the Senate proposals. Rep. Tom Tancredo has clarified the issue saying, “The immigration issue has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, religion or country of origin…Rather, it is a simple question of numbers, costs, and perhaps most importantly, social and cultural cohesion.”

The people are not going to accept another flawed quick fix that could radically and permanently alter the very core nature of our society. The Senate acts as though the people are completely gullible and complacent. They can be sure that the public reaction to this will definitely be reflected in the November elections. Notice how the more vulnerable candidates seem to be favoring the more conservative positions. Voters need to elect candidates to do the job that incumbents won’t do.

What were they thinking?

Multinational economic, political and social interests have sabotaged any sensible plan from be formulated in the US Senate. Marxist radicals are attempting to manipulate the whole debate. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act is the most recent impractical, fiscally irresponsible, culturally destructive and completely un-American device for not addressing the ruinous impact of runaway mass immigration. It is a display of national weakness. Attrition through self-deportation should be the goal here. The illegal aliens are never going to leave or keep away if the Senate invites them to stay.

This atrocious scheme to make illegals legal is the next illogical step by unprincipled senators to un-write existing laws they don’t ideologically agree with. It is insanity and a total betrayal of our system of self-government by conniving spineless self-serving Washington elitists bent on excusing themselves and foreigners from the burden of constitutionally established national security regulations. Why does the Senate believe that every person who deserts his own country and disrespects the laws of another will become a fully assimilated model citizen?

The imminent threat of devastation through the impact of foreign invasion to the security and vitality of our republic is far greater than that posed by transnational terror or WND’s. Americans of generations past fought and died resisting foreign aggressors to preserve the freedoms of our unique system for their descendents, not so frivolous politicians can just give it all away. It is tragically ironic, that the Senate should hastily complete this sacrilege right before Memorial Day when the country honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting our shores and borders. The country is more than able to defend itself militarily against outside enemies, but all is for naught if elected leaders abandon national security and refuse to enforce equality and penalties under the law.

The Senate majority has shown animosity toward the people’s will and has broken their oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” It is now up to the House of Representatives to make a last stand to block this latest full-fledged assault on American values. If approved by the House and signed by the President, this wretched bill will become a most lethal tool in the hands of the multicultural globalist as a Weapon of Mass Dissolution to undermine America’s economic and cultural strength as an independent nation.