"Issues I am Running On:

1. Close our Border, NOW! – build a wall, use the National Guard, use the Minutemen but close our border to the tide of illegal immigration.

2. Reverse the Flow – fine companies $50,000 for hiring illegal immigrants first offense and $500,000 for each additional offense.

3. Allow our Military to Destroy our Enemies – stop the PC crap and enable our intelligence to use the techniques that work to get information and kill the bad guys.

4. Stop taxing success – keep taxes low, keep government out of our lives as much as possible.

5. Stop political games – payoffs, career politicians, and a simple struggle for power between two behemoth parties has reduced our country to where we are today.

6. Return to conservative Judeo-Christian values that founded this country. Unabashedly, unashamedly and with haste.

7. Simply not caring what people think about me – McCain has sold his soul to get press time opposing reasonable measures to protect this country from harm by helping a group of people who are more concerned over the rights of terrorists than they are over innocent Americans getting killed. I don’t care what the media thinks about what I believe, I don’t care if my words offend Muslim communities, I don’t care because I sincerely believe what I believe and am not ashamed to stand up for it."

by David Roberts
An Open Letter to All Conservatives
December 29, 2006 01:00 PM EST

We conservative Republicans handed over control of Congress 12 years ago to a freshman party of conservatives with promises of conservative values, principles and actions. Six years later, we conservative Republicans handed control of the White House six years later to someone promising the same, and later again handed the Senate to the same party with promises again of conservative core values we expected more.

What we got was a No Child Left Behind Act authored by the most liberal senator in the history of the 20th century. What we got was more disconcerting as this President refused to use his constitutionally given power to veto any bill or any of the excess pork barrel spending that has passed through Congress.

We voted for a President that promised to finish the war that we started to fight and destroy the enemy overseas so that we aren’t fighting them here. What we got was a politically correct war in which our soldiers were not allowed to fire upon those firing on them if those doing so were in a Mosque, school or hospital building. Graveyards were apparently off limits too.

We were promised conservative pro-life judges being appointed to key positions in our liberally inundated court system. What we got was an attempt by our President to appoint Harriet Miers, someone who was extremely well liked by a number of liberal senators and politicians, turns out, she was pro-choice. If it weren’t for the backlash created by those of us who have been waiting patiently through 12 years of a Bush Senior and Clinton appointee years for a good conservative nominee, then it would be her on the Supreme Court instead of the one we got.

What we got was a Republican Senate with a majority and with the constitutional authority to appoint these honest good judges like Janice Rogers-Brown who when faced with the constitutionally given option of giving these judges an up or down vote instead caved to the liberal Democrat blocking tactics which were without precedent in this country’s history. What we got were the McCain 12 who allowed these cowardly Republicans to get away with not taking a stand. These appointments were stalled through the last four years without the elected majority simply calling for what would have been called for with a Democrat majority an up or down vote.

We voted for a President who promised security for our country.

What we got was a President that referred to the Minutemen, a group dedicated to the protection of our country’s borders from the hordes of illegal immigrants, as “vigilantes”.

What we got was a Senate, with efforts headed by Mel Martinez that introduced a bill, with good chance of passing, that would give amnesty to millions of illegals now here, in addition to giving them the option to bring in their close relatives from Mexico when they get the amnesty.

Now the recent move of the Republicans after their devastating loss to the Democrats to name Mel Martinez the new head of the RNC has clearly demonstrated to us, the conservative voters, that the Republican party just does not get it. They were elected by us to promote conservative values and principles and not only refused to do so, but have spent our money like drunken sailors in Bangkok, refused to do what was necessary about illegal immigration, or stand up as a majority against the stalling tactics of the Democrats in appointing the conservative judges we wanted.

John McCain is now saying “all the right things” to position himself as the next Republican nominee, either him or Rudy Guilliani. McCain, author of the First Amendment killing campaign finance reform bill, creator of the Cowardly compromise on the judicial appointments, proponent of the Terrorist Rights “anti-torture” bill, and all around media whore is now attempting to make the Right believe that he is their guy.


This is a call for the support and or creation of a conservative
party that gets it. Wait, third parties don’t work, you might say. I would agree, if the Republicans were doing what we elected them to do, but they seem not only unwilling to, but also diametrically opposed to our values as soon as they are in power.

Voting for security?

With 20 million illegals in our country and more pouring in daily, all we have gotten from the Republicans is lip service.

Voting for pro-life?

McCain said that the overturning of Roe v. Wade would be “dangerous” to women. And now he's all of a sudden against it?

Voting for the support of the war against Islamo-fascism?

This President refuses to take the steps necessary to de-PC this war and eliminate the enemy in total. This President bends over ass-backwards to appease the Muslim community giving a medal of honor to Muhammed Ali, a draft dodger in the Vietnam War, refusing to allow soldiers to defend themselves against those shooting from Mosques. Refusing to use the firepower that is necessary to STOP these maniacs where they are.

Voting against Imminent Domain Supreme Court ruling?

What have they done? What have the Republicans done
to stop this clearly anti-Constitutional trend toward stripping property owners of their rights on the basis of creating more tax revenue?



Fire McCain, Fire Martinez, fire all those who have chosen to
abandon the principles of conservatism we elected them for. There needs to be created the “Reagan Party” or the “Eisenhower” “Lincoln” or simply a return to basic conservative values because obviously we aren’t getting it from them.

I am not a lawyer, a politician, nor am I desirous of a career in Washington. But I will do whatever I need to do to make sure that the Republicans like Martinez, McCain and others never get elected again. I am not wealthy but I am announcing now my intent to run against Mel Martinez in for the 2010 seat in the Senate. They need to get the picture and as long as Political Correctness governs, our country will continue to go downhill.

Issues I am Running On:

1. Close our Border, NOW! – build a wall, use the National Guard, use the Minutemen but close our border to the tide of illegal immigration.

2. Reverse the Flow – fine companies $50,000 for hiring illegal immigrants first offense and $500,000 for each additional offense.

3. Allow our Military to Destroy our Enemies – stop the PC crap and enable our intelligence to use the techniques that work to get information and kill the bad guys.

4. Stop taxing success – keep taxes low, keep government out of our lives as much as possible.

5. Stop political games – payoffs, career politicians, and a simple struggle for power between two behemoth parties has reduced our country to where we are today.

6. Return to conservative Judeo-Christian values that founded this country. Unabashedly, unashamedly and with haste.

7. Simply not caring what people think about me – McCain has sold his soul to get press time opposing reasonable measures to protect this country from harm by helping a group of people who are more concerned over the rights of terrorists than they are over innocent Americans getting killed. I don’t care what the media thinks about what I believe, I don’t care if my words offend Muslim communities, I don’t care because I sincerely believe what I believe and am not ashamed to stand up for it.

That’s it. See my plan at