An Open Letter To President Bush
June 15, 2007 01:29 PM EST

Bill Clinton once articulated America's view of "comprehensive immigration reform":

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no".

America wants a secure border.

America wants ENFORCEMENT of immigration laws already on the books.

America REJECTS amnesty, legitimization, normalization, and path to citizenship for those who crashed our borders.

America RESENTS the entitlements and giveaways being granted to those who have no right to be here in the first place.

Mr. President. You have been amazingly out of touch with the American People throughout your tenure. While I supported you in both elections, staunchly defended your INTENT (though not your implementation!) on Iraq and the War on Terror, and your tax cuts - I must honestly say that as a conservative, you have failed miserably and your approval ratings are in the toilet NOT because America is 70% left leaning moonbats… but because you have lost almost ALL support from the right.

Approximately 28% of Americans will oppose ANY Republican on ANY issue... but that leaves 72% of the American public who would at least consider supporting you.

Approximately 28% of Americans are Hard Core Partisan Republicans.

Your approval rating of 29% indicates you have put off all but 1% of the remaining 44% of America. While the mismanagement of the War in Iraq is the primary reason that your approval has collapsed, your support of the McCain/Kennedy Senate Immigration Bill has sealed your legacy.

Did you go to Capitol Hill to support the troops? To protect the Tax Cuts? To oppose McCain-Feingold? To bolster the Partial Birth Abortion Ban? For ANY conservative issue? No! But you charge up San Juan (oops, Capitol) Hill to grant amnesty and a path to citizenship for invading parasites. Keep it up, and I would expect even the 29% to abandon you, Sir.

Senator Kerry has a hero's memorial in Vietnam. When will yours be built in Mexico City?
Copyright © 2007 by Doug Edelman