Organization blasts healthcare reform fast-track deal
By Personal Liberty News Desk • May 1st, 2009 • Category: Conservative Politics, Personal Liberty News
Congressional Democrats have struck a deal to use a fast-track budget process to speed up President Obama’s healthcare reforms, in a move that was compared to a "declaration of war" by one Republican senator.

Republicans, and even some Democrats, have warned against trying to implement such a major reform without bipartisan support, but Democrats now hope they will be able to push it through as early as this summer, according to

One of the organizations that criticized the move, which it sees as "muzzling" any meaningful debate, is, an organizing center for activists for traditional and conservative values.

"Once again statist politicians have carved out a deal in darkness and silenced opposition debate," says Steve Elliott, president of the alliance.

"A shift this monumental needs to be debated in clear view of the public, not hidden behind a closed door on Capitol Hill," he adds.

The organization has also called on citizens to flood Congress with faxes and phone calls opposing the fast-track provision.

Conservative groups have also been outraged about the recent nomination of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Sebelius, known for her pro-abortion views, has been accused of failing to disclose how much money she had received from a controversial provider of late-term abortions ... -19151849/