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Our Borders Might Just Bury Us

By Sher Zieve
Apr 18, 2005

The picture Mexican President Vincente Fox paints of his exported Mexican-government-guided-over-the-border United States invaders (AKA illegal aliens) is that of groups of hard working Mexicans who want a better life for their families. Far be it for Prez Vince to help his own poverty class out, so he’s sending them to the US. Note: This almost reminds me of Castro sending his Cuban criminals to the US during Carter’s administration. It was an easy and sure-fire way for Carter’s new friend Fidel to get rid of his at-home felon problem. “Yeah, give ‘em to Jimmy. He’ll take anything!� The problem with our current situation is that some of the illegals crossing our borders are terrorists whose religion tells them to destroy all of us; this time on a summarily wholesale level.

Giving it his best spin, the Mexican Prez is calling his “push-them-over-the-border-so-they’re-not-my-problem-anymore� fellow citizens “migrants� and even “heroes�. Fox has, also, strongly vocalized that he expects and has demanded that the United States of America give “his people� jobs, healthcare (which has now bankrupted more than a few hospitals in California), housing and…of course…safe passage, water and food across the US/Mexico borders. Fox’s government has printed comic books that provide maps and tell the would-be illegal crossers how to get into the USA without detection. The Mexican government, with the assistance of the ACLU, has even hired a Los Angeles law firm to fight for the illegals right to invade illegally! Just when it didn’t seem possible, we have reached a new insanity in the country. And, this time it has the very distinct possibility of killing many, if not most, of us.

The definitive problem is that all of these illegals are not “migrants�. Many of them are the very terrorist factions we’re fighting in other countries. So, what’s the deal here? Did someone in D.C. decide it would be easier to fight them in Texas…or Arizona…or New Mexico? Where are the conservative Congress people? Did they forget that in order to maintain sovereignty in our country, we have to still have a country? Protecting our country, via protecting our borders from terrorist entry, is one of their first charters. If our “leaders� refuse to do so, it’s no wonder our fellow citizens (not vigilantes) and neighbors, in the Minuteman Project, have been forced away from their homes to do it themselves.

But, what ever happened to legal entry into our country and acquiring US citizenship legally? Has enforcing legalities, as they pertain to illegal entry into the US, gone the way of the now extinct Dodo bird and the lunacy of those who actually believed John Kerry’s ‘I’m a War Hero’ speeches? Is this one of the final solutions those who are feverishly working to dissolve the USA (Ward Churchill and George Soros have to be howling with laughter) will affect towards our destruction? This time, in order for the survivability of the country, politics of “we want the illegals to vote for us� must be put aside.

Congress and Mr. President, it’s time to come down from your ivory towers and take a look at what is going on at our country’s entry points and what is happening to the people who are actual citizens of the US. Whether you like it or not, our borders have to be protected. Otherwise, the bad guys get in along with the good ones.

If our country’s leaders refuse to effectively address and handle this increasingly hazardous porous border scenario, we may all be forced down there to protect ourselves. The way our branches of government are currently treating this situation (as a ‘non-issue’), we may not have a choice for much longer. Oh, by the way, don’t leave home without your guns.

Sher Zieve is a Conservative political commentator who firmly believes that if Leftists ran the country (left to their own devices), it would be the end of the United States as a sovereign nation. Ms. Zieve welcomes your comments and can be reached