Despite what our government tries to lead us to believe, there are 30 million illegal immigrants in our country, from over 180 different nations: Illegals are costing us 100's of billions of dollars per year, and killing our economy.

8 Million Illegal Immigrant Workers Forums for Justice - View Single Post - 8 Million Illegal Immigrant Workers

30 Million Illegals in our United States Forums for Justice - View Single Post - Border Apprehensions #teaparty #p2 #ows #dems #gop #tcot #tlot RT

Costs of Illegals Forums for Justice - View Single Post - Costs of Illegals

Our legislators aren't going to solve this problem for us..they, being the government, will make the problem worse.

Legislators are sensitive to public outcry, at almost any level...even by relatively small numbers of people..i.e. Occupy ...

we, the people, must unite, and stand up against the legislators, no matter where they are located, on this, the illegal immigration issue....

my job is to make it easy for you

it just so happens there are two issues that are prime....
the New Mexico Driver's License Bill
and the idiot Senator in Arizona who just filed a bill to repeal SB1070.....

both issues have very very strong support, which will only help us

we, the people, must raise our voices...... we have the New Mexico issue well along on the web page ...just needs we, the people, to join in on the fun.... it will only get better..

hoping you, and others, will join the

Protest Against Illegals Receiving Driver's Licenses Forums for Justice - View Single Post - New Mexico #ABQ #teaparty #tcot #tlot #AARP #MADD #NM #TX #AZ #CA

Arizona lawmaker, Sen. Steve Gallardo D-Phoenix, proposes repealing SB1070 Forums for Justice - View Single Post - Arizona

Effecting a win will do wonders in uniting, we, the people.