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Why aren't gangs classed as terrorists?

Jun. 17, 2006 12:00 AM

Recent news headlines concerned:

• A common criminal who became a famous terrorist and is now dead.

• A terrorism plot hatched among local citizens in Canada.

• A surge in gang activity, especially among locals.

I'd love to see a piece on the difference between a terrorist and a gang member. It appears to me the only difference is the size of the neighborhood under attack.

Please start by comparing the MS-13 gang and al-Qaida. The differences are subtle to non-existent in my mind, so I'd like a lawyer to clarify why MS-13 and all other major interstate gangs with international connections are not classified as terrorist organizations.

Gangs and the drugs they push have killed far more U.S. citizens than al-Qaida, so it isn't the lethality.

Gangs have disrupted the educations of millions of kids. Al-Qaida has not.

Gangs are keeping thousands upon thousands of Americans trapped in dangerous housing, unable to come out at night. Al-Qaida has not.

Gangs use terror and violence to control entire sections of some major U.S. cities. Al-Qaida has only made a mess of airport check-in, baggage control and customs inspection stations.

Al-Qaida has cost us millions of dollars in direct damages. Gangs cost us billions every year.

Which brings me to my question: Why are we going after terrorists with the full force of the U.S. Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force and CIA, while we go after the gangs with a scattering of cops and bureaucrats? - Ken Ogilive, Winslow