Huckabee: Too Soft-on-Illegals
by James R. Edwards, Jr. (more by this author)
Posted 12/27/2007 ET

It’s no accident that Rep. Tom Tancredo threw his support to former Gov. Mitt Romney as he dropped out of the GOP primary race.

Mr. Tancredo entered the race to ensure that immigration issues remained front and center, and that pandering politicians wouldn’t get a free pass. The evangelical Christian lawmaker was concerned, not by theological differences with Mr. Romney, but by the pathetic liberal immigration ideology of several other candidates.

In Massachusetts, Mr. Romney accrued a good record on immigration-related issues.

As governor, Mr. Romney vetoed a bill to give illegal aliens drivers’ licenses. He vetoed a bill to reward illegal aliens with in-state tuition rates. He supported English immersion policies and fought efforts to weaken them. He opposed sanctuary policies and signed a so-called 287(g) agreement with Homeland Security to enable Massachusetts State Troopers to help enforce immigration law.

Mr. Romney strongly opposes amnesty and sanctuary cities and would shut down the “jobs magnetâ€