Posted on Mon, Jan. 11, 2010
In-state tuition for illegal immigrants dies in NJ
By Jonathan Tamari


A proposal to let illegal immigrants pay in-state tuition at New Jersey colleges has fallen short of the support needed to pass New Jersey's Legislature.

Sen. Ronald Rice (D., Essex), a sponsor of the measure, said he believed the plan was five votes short in the Senate. Opponents worried about the message of providing benefits to illegal immigrants during a time of economic turbulence.

The decision to call off the vote kills the measure on the final day of the legislative session, and likely puts the issue off the table for some time. Gov.-elect Christopher J. Christie has said he opposes the idea, and he takes office next week.

Advocates for immigrants, who argued the bill would help children who did not choose to come to New Jersey but were brought by their parents, are left to regroup. Some said they hoped for reform on a national level, while others said they hope they can convince Christie to change his mind. ... 77907.html